Digital Learning Designer

Digital Learning DesignerBe a pivotal part of our vibrant, multidisciplinary construction company headquartered in Eltham, London, as a Digital Learning Designer. Join us in our commitment to making a positive impact on people's lives, embodying a culture of 'growing our own'. Our dedication to the learning and development of our teams is unwavering, and your role will play a crucial part in fostering employee growth, enhancing skills and ultimately propelling both individual and organisational success.Job Description:Projects:Develop technical training programs for diverse technical roles within our multi-disciplinary construction consultancy, spanning across building and quantity surveyors, architects, engineers, project managers, health & safety, and sustainability professionals.Design and execute Project Team Leader and Programme Manager training initiatives.Develop non-technical Learning & Development programmes for the business support function.Craft both technical and non-technical induction programmes.Role Responsibilities:Collaborate with key stakeholders, including Partners, Directors, senior colleagues, and subject matter experts, to discern and analyse individual, group, and business learning and development needs.Design, develop, and evaluate fitting digital or hybrid learning solutions.Create engaging digital learning content through the use of storyboards and various digital tools.Edit video footage and audio recordings to enhance learning materials.Design bespoke interactive e-learning modules and assessment tools.Adapt off-the-shelf e-learning modules to align with Baily Garner’s specific needs.Craft instructional texts and conduct software application testing.Generate and interpret digital learning analytics.Assist the Head of L&D in delivering an exceptional service to the business.Troubleshoot technical problems.Essential Skills/Qualifications:Either possess or working towards a digital learning design qualification Demonstrated experience in designing, developing and customising e-learning and hybrid programs.Proficient in multimedia applications, including video and audio production and editing.Experience with relevant technologies, for example Articulate 360, and other software supporting learning activities.Keen to stay updated on current digital learning trends.Strong written and spoken English, along with technical and communication skills.Desirable but not Essential:Familiarity with learning methodologies, theories, design approaches, and frameworks.Knowledge of the construction industry.Experience in a professional services environment.Join our dynamic team and contribute to our mission of positively impacting people's lives through a passion for creating digital learning!Company Benefits:Scottish Widows pension and salary sacrifice (4.5% contribution matched)Life assurance cover for all colleagues (x4 annual salary)Medicash health planProfessional development schemeFlexible working hoursBirthday leaveLong-service leaveHybrid workingBiannual pay reviews. Baily Garner LLP is an equal opportunities employer who positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity/paternity needs.

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