Development & Innovation Technologist

The Development & Innovation Technologist is a key member of the Group R&D Team, they play an important part in supporting the responsibility for driving the development process from Idea to implementation to ensure products meet customer projects/ deadlines. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:Primary Objectives:Manage all aspects of customer accounts from Research and Development perspective and be key point of contact for all sites and all formats.Manage product portfolio to ensure it is aligned with relevant brand.Design recipe and diets with a risk-based approach.Align with site teams during development to ensure consideration is given to capability, sourcing and efficiency.Develop close relationships with customer and commercial teams.Ensure current product portfolio meets the customer needs.Support innovation plans to meet market needs in all customers, channels and markets.Ensure products are monitored as appropriate to ensure full nutritional compliance and adjust accordingly where appropriate.Execute palatability trials to ensure performance is consistently monitored against brand and benchmark.Where product claims are included on packaging ensure they can be substantiated with relevant literature and research.Support customer on technical issues within the remit of Research and Development.Ensure all aspects of the NPD process meets the agreed deadlines.Ensure products are legally and customer compliant.Liaise with sites and functions to support implementation of NPD.Support and develop group plans on palatability, nutritional testing, value engineering, raw materials  where appropriate.Management of external chemical analysis for Group product formats / group site support for testing requirementsIdentify opportunities for USP’s and Blue SkiesContinuously review market and competitor set and identify opportunities or gaps. Co-ordinate customer visits and product presentations.Develop a detailed thorough knowledge of the site’s products, capabilities and constraints.Develop a detailed knowledge of pet food market in terms of brand leaders, competitor set and specific customer dynamics and trends. KEY PERFORMANCE MEASURES:Successful launches of product from concept to launchContinuous pipeline of NPD productsInput on ongoing projectsFeedback from customers via surveysPERSONAL COMPETENCIES AND QUALIFICATIONSIndustry recognised qualification in Food/Animal Science/Animal Nutrition or other appropriate background relevant to Research and Development of Pet food.Competence in Animal Nutrition, Food Science, Manufacturing, Legislation and SpecificationsManufacturing experience / NPD & EPD projectsKey Competencies:Be able to translate and communicate customer requests to the appropriate teams ensuring they have the key information to deliver the project.Track record on successful development and implementation of NPD.Be innovative in approach to position ideasDevelop strong relationships with both customers and colleaguesGood communicator / delegationIT/Computer literateContinue to drive product and process improvement to the benefit of the customer and total businessThe ability to prepare and deliver presentations internally and externally.Co-ordinate effective meetings maintaining clear recordsChallenge where appropriate.Work on own initiative. Strategic thinkerExperience in product developmentProblem solver.For more information on this role, please reach out to Ciara Keenan or Sephora Baugreet (Development & Innovation Managers) or James Platt (Group Head of R&D)

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