Development Chef

Role Definition:The Development Chef will be responsible for culinary creation in the form of leading and supporting on cooking, bench development and trends for products as required for Ellesmere, as well as confidently presenting to multiple customers on a regular basis. •Leading the cooking for customer panels, launches, lunches and any other culinary support that is required for Ellesmere & Shrewsbury •Leading bench product development directed from the brief as required or innovating where appropriate•Creating, attending and advising on innovation safari’s, as well as staying on top of trends and sharing insights with the team•Support the Head of Culinary and Innovation (ABP UK) on culinary innovation and customer projects•They will work in the Scope and Develop Gates and will require collaborating with and take direction from the site NPD team to ensure the NPD process is followed and all developed products are commercially viable and technically safe & able to be processed and meet the customer/consumer needs.•Accurate and detailed recipe transfer to NPD teams in the format used by site•Take responsibility for own development and progression•Purchase of ingredient and equipment for product panels in line with company standard policies•Manage time and diary for travel to ensure time is best utilised to manage business requirements•Build key relationship with stake holders at site and within the group•Kitchen management and ensuring high levels of hygiene are adhered to •Management of the kitchen assistant•Any other tasks requested by Head of NPD (ABP UK) / Site NPD Manager in line with the culinary rolePersonal specifications:•Demonstrates market leading culinary skills and a passion for food, creative flair and an understanding of food trends for restaurants and retailers•Good organisation skills, project management and understanding of customer and site requirements, capabilities and policies•Being able to multitask and prioritise •Good knowledge of meat and added value industry across multiple retailers•Demonstration of customer and site confidentiality across all projects•Strong communication, presentation, and interpersonal skills both internally and externally•Good customer management skillsHours of Work:8.30 – 5 Monday – Friday however flexibility will be required to meet customer needsLocation: Home site Ellesmere, with travel to other sites and customers Salary:TBC at the interview

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