Development Chef

Development ChefMon-Fri, 7am – 3.30pm, £36,500, South Bermondsey,SE15 1NTFooditude is looking for a Development Chef to join our Development team at our central production kitchen based in South Bermondsey. Our Development Chef will be creating menus, dish specs and attend food pop ups that showcase flare, innovation and are reflective of global food trends.This is an ideal role for a chef looking to branch out into a fully creative role, we would like to find a skilled Development chef who is obsessed with food trends and food innovation. We are looking for someone who is passionate, has a high level of craft skill and will help drive food standards.What we’re looking for:·        Experience with new product development concepts·        Experience working with large volume, fresh food production·        Craft qualifications/chef skills through experience or in-house training·        Enjoys being client-facing and is customer friendly ·        A real interest and knowledge in food trends and confident cooking global cuisinesThe good stuff:33 days holiday each year including bank holidaysTime off during Christmas each yearBirthday day-offLiving Wage EmployerPluxee employee benefits Company pensionEmployee Assistance Programme         If this sounds like the ideal role for you, please apply with your CV today.  Fooditude’s mission is to make people happy no matter what the working day brings. Not just for our clients, but for our own colleagues too. We believe a diverse mix of minds creates an innovative space. We seek to attract and recruit people who reflect the diverse nature of our clients and communities. We select candidates based on skill, knowledge, qualifications and experience. By applying for this position, you are consenting for Fooditude to receive your personal data for the purposes of the job application only.Unfortunately, due to the high number of applications received, we are only able to contact short listed candidates. Therefore, if you do not hear from us within 14 days your application has been unsuccessful and under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) your details will be deleted from our records. 

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