Destination Manager Rome and Vatican

Your new adventure begins! City Wonders is a leading tour operator which differentiates itself through innovation, unique products, quality, and unparalleled customer experiences in major European and Americas destinations. We seek a passionate and experienced Tour Destination Manager to oversee tour products in assigned destinations within Italy, with specific focus on Rome & Vatican.The successful candidate will be self-motivated, persuasive, highly organized, analytical, a relationship builder, a good negotiator, and a creative problem solver.What will you be responsible for every day in City Wonders?Main Activities:Research and identify opportunities, including new products, tweaking existing products, and growth areasBuild and maintain strong relationships with venues and vendorsNegotiate deals with venues and vendors for optimal terms and economic conditionsOnboard/update venues, vendors, and products within your territoryCollaborate with team members and key stakeholders within the companyAnalyze product performance based on customer satisfaction, volume, profitability, and other metrics that are important to the companyWork with the Purchasing Team to forecast and secure admission inventory for tour products in your territoryMonitor product competitiveness in the marketplaceAchieve or exceed revenue targets for products in your territoryKeep a pulse on leisure travel trends that impact your territory and recommend necessary actionsKey Skills and Experience:5 years prior experience in travel destination management or tour product development with a focus on tours and activities is required. Candidates without previous experience will not be considered.Passion to manage great travel products in your territory, including recommendations, initial calls, negotiating, contracting, onboarding, and performanceExceptional listening, relationship building, communication (both spoken and written), and presentation skillsStrong analytical and negotiating skillsProven track record for delivering resultsSelf-motivated and the ability to work both remotely and as part of a teamWell organized with good time management skillsPositive “can do” attitude with a passion for travel and tourismFluency in English and Italian is requiredBachelor’s Degree is required; a master’s degree is a plus.·      Ability to travel within Italy, having your own car is a plusWorking hours & travelThis role is based in Rome. As part of the role, you will have flexible approach to working hours if the needs of the company are met. Your standard working hours are 40 hours per week. Travel within Italy will be required occasionally. 

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