Deputy Social Care Manager - Meath

Daffodil Care Services are currently recruiting a Deputy Social Care Manager in our mainstream residential care service in Carlanstown, Co. Meath, located outside Kells. Who we are:Daffodil Care Services is one of Irelands leading social care service providers. We provide a range of services to meet the needs of young people and their families, these include; community outreach, registered residential and aftercare supports and services.   At Daffodil Care Services, we promote the professional and personal development of each team member. With a clear focus on our ethos and therapeutic approach, we provide for significant investment in our people, who in turn through their professionalism and commitment greatly enhance the experience and outcomes for our service users.  What we can offer:Attractive salary plus on call allowance.Continued professional development educational grants available to teams and  individualsEmployee Benefits:Paid core training allowanceHealth Insurance SchemeMaternity CoverLife AssuranceCompany Pension SchemeEmployee Discount SchemeFree access to any additional professional training offered by SCTI, Social Care Training Ireland e.g. Leadership & Management in Social Care, Professional Supervision SkillsEducation Assistance GrantsProfessional Career Development programmeTeam Building ActivitiesCompany Social Events & away daysRefer a Friend Bonus The successful candidate will possess: A minimum level 8 degree in Social Care and 3 years’ experience of working in a social care grade with young peopleORLevel 7 in Social Care and a relevant management qualification and 3 years’ experience of working at a social care grade with young people. Strong experience in and demonstrated ability to empower others to achieve. Personal attributes of positivity, flexibility and problem-solving attitude as well as empathy and maturity are essential. A current full clean Driving License prior to commencement of employment.

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