Deputy Maintenance & Project Manager,

Deputy Maintenance & Project Manager,Purpose of the Post The person appointed will manage a multidisciplinary team comprising administrative, trades/technical, general operatives and other designated hospital staff as may be assigned to meet the needs of the estates function in accordance with the responsibilities and duties of the post and as agreed.Principal Duties and ResponsibilitiesTo deputise for the Maintenance & Project Manager when requested to do so.To liaise with and work in co-operation with the other maintenance and TSD staff.To maintain all elements of the built environment known as Mercy University Hospital including buildings, plant, and equipment) in accordance with statutory regulations, healthcare standards, manufacturers recommendations, industry norms and best practice.To review existing and put in place, as agreed with the Maintenance & Project Manager, maintenance service contracts and manage/monitor the effectiveness of these contracts.To review existing and put in place as agreed with the Maintenance & Project Manager, a planned preventative maintenance programme.To assist the Maintenance & Project Manager with the development, operation and maintenance of such computerised maintenance and other systems as may be in operation or introduced by the MUH. To assist the Maintenance & Project Manager, develop management systems for the performance and maintenance of buildings including the mechanical & electrical services incorporating legal requirements, best practice, and quality control procedures.To record all maintenance activities in a professional manner. To participate in and co-operate with the management of new development projects as required.To assist the Maintenance & Project Manager lead out in advising on the maintenance requirements of new projects (at briefing stage, design stage, construction stage and commissioning /handover stage) and ensure that appropriate maintenance contracts and arrangements are put in place and managed.To participate on project teams and/or project related meetings when required. To supervise and lead out on minor capital works assigned to him/her and manage the procurement and execution of same under the direction Maintenance & Project Manager /Designated Officer.To arrange and supervise assigned contract work to ensure it is carried out in line with MUH policy.To ensure Contractors observe permit to work systems & ensure Contractors comply with MUH terms of engagement.To enforce Safety, Health and Welfare at work legislation, regulations, and good practice relevant to the role of buildings and maintenance management as it applies to the MUH and contractor’s staff. To review, update and assist in keeping current the infrastructural risk registers for the facility and to develop and action resolution/mitigation measures as agreed with the Maintenance & Project Manager that are required to manage upon this risk. To prepare reports, estimates, specifications and drawings as are required for the proper carrying out of work.To keep such books, records and carrying out of such tests as may be required.To ensure that all documentation (both hard copy and soft copy) in relation to the service and maintenance of all essential services and plant are maintained and filed in a clear and orderly fashion.To manage assigned staff, materials, equipment, finances and contractors associated with the MUH Maintenance Department.To develop specifications for tender as required.To plan, organise and control the work such that a continuous and quality service is provided. To compile and record maintenance reports associated with works consistent with the best practice and quality control measures.To maintain good outward communications with patients, staff, hospital management and committees. To liaise and meet as required with local management, department heads and their nominees in relation to carrying out of maintenance activities, minor capital activities and capital projects.To carry a mobile phone, smart phone, bleep, lone working alarm device and any other communication device or laptop as deemed necessary.Support, promote and actively participate in sustainable energy, water, and waste initiatives to create a more sustainable, low carbon and efficient health service. Staff/HR Duties  ·  To motivate assigned staff and develop good staff relations.To promote a quality working environment within the department.To ensure that assigned staff are familiar with and observe MUH/HSE policies and procedures, e.g. grievance and disciplinary procedures, emergency and safety procedures, Health & Safety Act Construction Regulations.To manage staff issues including disciplinary issues and liaise with Maintenance & Project Manager, TSD management, MUH management and advisors etc. in relation to staff issues as required.       To supervise staff assigned to him/her, examine time sheets and attendance records and clarify as appropriate and ensure holiday periods for the staff under his/her control are arranged so as not to necessarily disrupt maintenance programmes and hospital operation. To assist in the planning, supervision and control of work programmes including the supervising of the timekeeping, attendance, productivity and the quality of work and competency of staff under his/her control.To assist in identifying the training needs of assigned staff to facilitate up-skilling and education to meet the evolving needs of the services.To review output, performance and quality to identify training needs and implement as required.Eligibility CriteriaEach candidate must on the latest date for receipt of completed application forms:  Hold a Level 8 (or higher) Quality & Qualifications Ireland major academic award in Architecture, Engineering or Surveying accredited by the relevant Professional Institute (Society of Chartered Surveyors in Ireland, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Engineers Ireland, Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland).Or Have Full Membership of the relevant professional association:- Society of Chartered Surveyors in Ireland- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.- Engineers Ireland- Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland OrHold a qualification at least equivalent to one of the above listed in (i) or (ii)AndHave had at least five years’ satisfactory & relevant experience in planning, design, project management or construction of buildings or in the installation or maintenance of the mechanical, electrical, and heating services of such buildings.AndPossess the requisite knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability and of administrative capacity) for the proper discharge of the duties of the post. Closing Date Thursday 9th May 2024 1PM

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