Deli Manager

We are currently seeking an experienced and energetic Deli Manager for the Maxol Deli, M3 Mulhuddart Motorway Service Station, Mulhuddart, Co. Dublin.If you are passionate about food and are dedicated to customer satisfaction, look no further!We are looking for a passionate and innovative foodie to join our team and to bring a sense of energy to the department.The opening hours of the Maxol Deli are 5:30am - 4pm (Mon - Sun)Main Duties:·        Day to day management of the deli department, ensuring highest standards of Quality, Service and Cleanliness are maintained.·        Continuously bringing forth new ideas to increase sales and standards of the Maxol Deli·        Managing of staff rostering and people management to create a positive working environment and a cohesive high performing team.·        Training of staff members ensuring staff are fully HACCP and food safety trained and customer service focused.·        Completion of margins, correcting any issues and reviewing in a proactive manner·        Providing a quality level of customer service ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the product·        Ensuring any customer complaints that may arise are dealt with immediately, promptly and efficiently·        Ensuring a clean and tidy working environment·        Ordering in of stock, ensuring stock, portion and waste control.The Ideal Candidate:·        3+ years’ experience in a Managerial/ Supervisory position in a fast paced Fresh Food Outlet·        Fresh food knowledge and a real passion for the product.·        Experience in people management.·        Experience in successfully achieving sales targets and KPI's which have been set out by the Management.·        The candidate must be fully HACCP and food safety trained, and has experience in meeting the HACCP and food safety requirements, and as such has a proven track record in passing any required audits.·        A customer focused manager who can build a quality and loyal customer base.·        Excellent verbal and written communication skills and be IT literate.reBenefits:·        Competitive Base Salary and Bonus Structure·        60% Staff Discount·        Employee Rewards Scheme·        Employee Referral Scheme·        Free On-Site Parking·        Continuous Training and DevelopmentLocation: M3 Mulhuddart, Mulhuddart, Co. DublinReports to: Site Manager & Assistant Site Manager*** At this time we do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies***

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