● POSITION: DELI ASSISTANT● RATE OF PAY: £11.50 per hour● CONTRACT TYPE: Temporary / Seasonal (Up to 31st October 2024)● WORKING HOURS: Full time, including weekend working required. No late or split shifts.● OTHER INFO: Due to our location and the work shifts, your own transport would be beneficial.* * CAR SHARE / TRANSPORT MAY BE AVAILABLE * ** * ACCOMMODATION MAY BE AVAILABLE * *We are looking for an enthusiastic, customer focused person to join our DELICATESSEN TEAM.The successful applicant needs to have a positive and friendly personality, excellent customer service and communication skills, the ability to influence and advise customers on our products, plus be able to work well as part of a busy team. Previous experience in a retail or catering role would be beneficial.DUTIES INCLUDE:● Interacting with customers; providing information and suggestions on our products.● Cash handling.● Stock rotation and replenishment.● Food, beverage and product preparation for takeaway.● Promotional tastings.● Assisting with the deli displays.● Keeping the deli and associated areas clean and tidy.BENEFITS:● 28 days holiday per annum (pro-rata).● Company Pension Scheme.● Staff discount in our Oyster Bar Restaurant and Deli.● Staff uniform.RIGHT TO WORK: Before applying for this job, you must have the right to work and live legally in the UK. This can be obtained by being a UK citizen or by having UK Settlement Status.HOW TO APPLY: Submit your CV on-line or contact our HR Team for an Application Form - Tel: 01499 600462. Loch Fyne Oysters Ltd, Clachan, Cairndow, Argyll, PA26 8BL.LOCATION: Clachan, Cairndow - the head of Loch Fyne, west coast of Scotland. Just a 45 minute drive / 1 hour bus journey from Dunoon, 50 minute drive from Helensburgh, 1 hour from Dumbarton, 1.5 hours from Glasgow (M8, A82, A83).

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