Dedicated Community Nurse Manager

TCP Homecare provides innovative healthcare and pharmaceutical services to meet the requirements of a new emerging healthcare environment in Ireland. We are seeking a Nurse Manager in the greater Dublin region to lead a newly formed Dedicated Service on behalf of one of our existing private health insurer clients. The Nurse Manager will be directly accountable for the continual clinical/operational management, planning, organisation and implementation of nursing services while ensuring staff compliance to policies and procedures, training and professional practice.  Key responsibilities:  To act as dedicated manager for a newly established home-care service and effectively lead those staff members participating on the service.To closely co-ordinate, streamline and manage the service to maximise the efficiency of the nursing resource while maintaining at all times the highest clinical standards. To lead referral acceptance processes and patient safety initiatives. To be the service ambassador in the hospital referral units providing relevant support within the units when required for education purposes. To identify and deliver any proposed service enhancements as agreed from time to time with the Client Manager.To be responsible for the training schedule of all Nurses (new and ongoing). To develop clinical and personnel efficiencies ensuring nursing resources can be maximised to its full potential, identifying improvements and addressing deficiencies in the quality of service. To maintain the highest standards of record keeping and ensure the accurate input of data onto the IT systems. To demonstrate a commitment to the identification of risk by reporting all deviations as well as following through on action plans, and implementing preventative actions. To lead the assessment of patient care needs as well as develop and evaluate care programmes. Anticipate and identify improvements needed and address deficiencies in the quality of service provided. This will include rota efficiency, service development needs, development and implementation of policies, audit processes and patient safety initiatives. Be responsible for establishing and keeping track of quality improvement and other information that concerns patient care. Promote and participate in effective dialogue between patients, carers and other members of the multi-disciplinary team Exercise judgement, planning and analysis as a means of participating in the decision making process within TCP. Attend and actively contribute to relevant Company meetings and manage/implement regular nurse field to floor meetings. Act as a key liaison with client company to forge and develop the existing relationships. Managing staff absence and annual leave ensuring that the service and skill mix is unaffected. Assist in the short listing, interviewing and selection of staff Carry out appraisals in accordance with policy while liaising with the Training Coordinator to facilitate personal development plans Work closely with the Logistics team with to coordinate the managing of stock and supplies Ensure the correct use and maintenance of equipment Demonstrate an approachable proactive management style that encourages dialogue with all levels of staff that promotes a positive team approach. Development of SOPs and updating existing SOPs to reflect best practice. In conjunction with the Training Coordinator, help to encourage the learning needs and mentorship of all staff who require specific knowledge and understanding of TCP practice Train, monitor and evaluate performance, and initiate corrective and disciplinary actions where needed Assist in ensuring quality standards are implemented and maintained within the TCP Group. Recognise and report immediately any untoward events on a patient visit. Report all adverse events and product complaints promptly in line with Pharmacovigilance procedures.                Application Criteria:·       Must be registered with NMBI (Nursing Midwifery Board of Ireland)·       Minimum of 3 years post qualification experience as a registered nurse, preferably in a home care setting.·       Strong verbal and written communication skills are essential for effective coordination with staff, patients, families, and private health insurance representatives.·       Effective organisation and time management skills are necessary to handle multiple tasks, schedules, and patient care plans.·       Previous experience in a nursing leadership or management role (highly desirable)What We Offer in Return:• Competitive annual salary• Company car/phone/tablet• 24 days of annual leave, rising with service• Pension Scheme• Health Insurance• Life Assurance• A supportive and friendly working environment• Regular training courses and opportunities to up skill• Promotional opportunities• Refer a Friend scheme• Social events

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