Day Service Facilitator

Day Service Facilitator – Day Services(Permanent and Specified Purpose Positions, 35 hours per week) Saint John of God North East Services is seeking Day Service Facilitators to aid in the ongoing delivery and enhancement of meaningful, person-centered, and community-based services that encourage the active citizenship of those we support. The Day Service Facilitators will enable the individuals attending our services to participate in a broad array of chosen activities, encompassing education, employment, sports, and social as well as recreational pursuits. Successful applicants should have:A relevant Third Level Qualification in Social Care, Education, Community Development, Training, etc. (QQ1 Level 6 or higher).Minimum three years’ experience of supporting adults with an intellectual disability or similar field.Experience in person centered planning, capacity building, social inclusion, positive behavior supports, community development, advocacy and empowerment.An ability to facilitate and support service-users in a variety of service and community based programmes.An ability to identify and support opportunities for building people’s natural support networks and social roles.Awareness of the New Directions Personal Support Services for People with Disabilities, the EASI Process and the Interim Standards for New Directions.An understanding of and ability to utilise alternative communication aids and assistive technology.Excellent communication, teamwork, interpersonal and organisational skills with an ability to work on own initiative and be flexible.A natural ability to listen, consider, support and advocate for people supported by Northeast Services.A full clean driving license and use of own vehicle. APPLICATIONS WILL BE SHORTLISTED ON THE INFORMATOIN SUPPLIED IN THE CURRICULCUM VITAE AND APPLICATION PROCESS QUESTIONS. 

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