Welcome Door Attendant

We are currently recruiting for a Welcome Door Attendant at Dromoland Castle Hotel. As a Welcome Door Attendant you will play a crucial role in providing exceptional front of house service to our guests. At Dromoland Castle we ensure our tradition of delivering impeccable, unobtrusive service to our guests is never compromised.  This position is a seasonal role (April to October) but offers a unique opportunity to gain invaluable experience within the industry and fosters professional development and career growth.Overview of the Role: ·    Meeting and greeting guests.·    Assisting with luggage.·    Meeting room set-up.·    Room service delivery.The Ideal Candidate: ·     Previous hotel experience is preferable. ·     Have a friendly, chatty and outgoing personality.·     Well organised. Motivations:Competitive rates of pay.Full Training is provided.Wellness programme.Resort benefits are available e.g. discounts on hotel accommodation, food and beverage.Free onsite parking.Meals whilst on duty.Free leisure centre membership.Discounted leisure centre activities.Sick Pay Scheme.Pension Scheme after 6 months.Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.Sustainability programmes.

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