Day Porter

The Brehon Hotel & Spa is now recruiting for a Porter to join our team.A wonderful opportunity to develop your skills in the world of hospitality, under the guidance of our supportive management team!Some duties will include:To set up conference and function rooms following the instructions and standards on the conference booking sheet.Have a visible presence within the hotel to ensure that all customers request and queries are responded to promptly and effectively.Assisting guests with luggage and taking room service requests.To provide room service efficiently and professionallyEnsure hotel public areas are always up to standardsAssisting with Food & Beverage serviceDeal with guest queries and complaints in a friendly and efficient manner, ensuring guest satisfaction at all times.Conduct floor walks to ensure guest security.The ideal candidate will have:A positive, can-do attitude.A genuine interest in ensuring guest satisfaction.Ablility to work on one's own initiative and as part of a team.BenefitsWe Offer Year Round EmploymentOpportunities for Professional Development & GrowthLunch, Tea & Coffee Available On DutyFeel Good Fridays! - Hot Lunch & Outstanding Performance AwardsEmployee Recognition Scheme such as Employee of the MonthFree Car ParkingRewards for Years of ServiceFlexible Schedule (Day & Night Shifts)We look forward to hearing from you!

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