Day Cleaner

Role Definition:ABP is one of Europe’s largest food processors and our site in Yetminster produces best quality lamb products. You will be part of the Technical Team and one of three cleaners on site. This role is pivotal to ensuring we met our customer requirements and that the site is always 100% audit ready. Responsible for all external areas, laundry and factory areas. Responsibilities:Responsible for the delivery of clean laundry to the site ensuring it is checked and distributed correctly and the collection and bagging of dirty laundry.Checking all hygiene areas and taking corrective action, if necessary, plus check all hygiene equipment and ensure they are fully equippedComplete checks for condensation within the factory every morning, and every break time to ensure any visible condensation is removed from the ceilings and rails, Assist with the cleaning of trays during factory hours where required, or when jobs have been completed for the day Assist with the cleaning of all office areas and staff/visitor facilitiesEnsure all external areas on site are kept tidy and well maintained Ensure full compliance with COSHH regulationsUnderstand ‘Cleaning Instruction Cards’ to be able to sign tasks on the correct documentation Skills/Qualification/Experience:The ideal candidate will be able to demonstrate:Excellent organizational skillsGood communication skillsPreferred if you have Food Safety Level 2 but not essential as training will be provided.An understanding of COSHH Able to use your initiativeBe focus on deliveryThe courage to challengeAbility to follow detailed plans ‘Cleaning Instruction Cards’

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