Data Coordinator

Vitalograph is a leading manufacturer of medical respiratory diagnostic devices and software, used in the diagnosis of respiratory disorders, and advanced high-reliability equipment and software systems used in respiratory end-point clinical drug trials. We have designed, developed and manufactured respiratory diagnostic devices, software, and consumables for healthcare professionals, for 60 years. Headquartered in the UK, Vitalograph has operations in Ireland, Germany, and the USA. Join our growing team in Buckingham. With celebrating 60 years in business, expansion plans and growth in the market, now is a fantastic time to join Vitalograph!We are now recruiting for a Data Quality Coordinator to be responsible for reviewing and completing reconciliation activities across studies to resolve discrepancies and data related issues. The Data Quality Coordinator works with project teams and the data management team to improve efficiency of receipt, processing, and turnaround times of data corrections and to assist with data monitoring.This role is on-site in our Maid's Moreton, Buckingham office. Responsibilities:Review and complete reconciliation trackers across projects and return them to the customer in a timely manner.Be a point of contact for customer related data reconciliation questions and queries.Complete regular reviews of DCF logs and provide support to project teams with the processing of data corrections through communication with sites and sponsors on open DCFs or data discrepancies.Assist with the logging and checking of data corrections for completeness and accuracy.Assist PM teams with the review and verification of data corrections prior to implementation.Work with the data management team to ensure data corrections are processed for study transfers.Assist with determining data monitoring requirements for projects and completing data monitoring activities across projects.Assist with the creation of study-specific VPM reports when requested by project teams.Requirements:Excellent attention to detail and problem solving skillsGood communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work as part of a team as well as under own initiativeStrong organisational skills, be able to effectively plan and carry out tasks within the required timeframeGood IT skills e.g. MS Word, Excel and PowerPointUnderstanding of GCPExperience of working within clinical trials and working to SOPEducational requirements:The following educational requirements are required for this position.5 GCSEs grade 4-9 (or equivalent) including Maths & EnglishWhat you'll get in return:Supportive and dynamic workplaceSee a real world difference in your work by supporting world class Respiratory Clinical Trials projectsExcellent company pension schemeDeath in service benefit of 4 x salaryCompany paid private medical insuranceExciting progression opportunitiesLearning & Development initiatives

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