Data Administrative Support

Data Administrative Support- Temp Role 10 weeks We are currently recruiting for the position of Sales & Administrative Support. Reporting to the Business Excellence Manager, this is a full time, temporary position, based in the Avoca Head Office in Kilmacanogue.  Responsibilities and Duties:·       Processing Quotations / Orders/ Order Acknowledgements correctly ·       Process Invoices a daily basis and ensure end-of-month is closed on time·       Providing support and information to Managers on accounts where required·       Generate appropriate paperwork for Export to Excel. Skills/Personal Attributes·       A professional, self-driven, efficient, and ambitious person would suit this role·       The ability to multi-task is required to succeed in this position·       Effective time management, and organisational skills are required·       Ability to work on ones owns initiative and also as part of a team is essentialQualifications/Experience·       This role ideally suits a candidate with a good working knowledge of Microsoft applications: Outlook, Excel, Microsoft Word.·       Experience in a similar administrative role would be an advantage 

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