Customer Service Agent

Role Summary:Joining a team of 7 Customer Service Representatives and a Team Lead. The customer service agent is a ‘people Person’ and provides a professional and customer-focused skill set. The customer service agent helps our customers by providing information on our products and service, answer questions, and managing complaints.  Customer Service Representative Responsibilities: ·        Maintaining a positive, empathetic, and professional attitude toward customers.·        Responding promptly to customer inquiries.·        Handling a high volume of calls·        Communicating with customers via on the phone, email, live chat, or face-to-face.·        Acknowledging and resolving customer concerns.·        Communicating and coordinating with colleagues, as necessary.·        Providing feedback on the efficiency of the customer service process.·        Ensure customer satisfaction and provide professional customer support.Skills and Experience required:·        Gained at least one years’ relevant experience preferably in a customer service environment. ·        Have good communication skills with an excellent telephone manner.·        Have demonstrated a good working knowledge of Excel and Word.·        Organised, diplomatic and a good team player.·        A proven ability to work to targets and timelines.Terms: Salary: €27,500Hours: 37 hours per week – 9:00am to 5:30 p.m. Mon-Thurs; 9:00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Fri This position will be based on-siteLocation: Liosban Industrial Estate, County Galway

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