Customer Service Advisor

Customer Service Advisor Location: Wolverhampton (i54) We are seeking a Customer Service Advisor to join ERA and explore the needs of our customers and provide solutions from our product offerings. This position is a customer focused role, meaning you will need to be great on the telephone and have a confident and helpful manner. Full training provided; experience of the Hardware industry would be a benefit but not necessary. What you'll be doing:Deliver high quality and effective customer service via telephone and email to a range of Key Accounts customers.Achieve and surpass the required service targets.Liaise directly with internal departments to resolve customer issues andand helpful manner.Identify and provide proactive recommendations to enhance the customer experience.Achieve set KPI's on a weekly & monthly basis.Administrative duties relating to processing customer orders.Ensure the internal database is up to date and accurate.What we’re looking for:Experience in a Customer Account Management would be idealAccuracy and attention to detailExcellent communications skills both written and verbal.Commercial acumen with KPI’s and order values.Experience using IT Systems such as SAGE and Salesforce.A positive and resilient individual who excels at all forms of communication.A creative and resourceful problem solver.We believe the employment relationship is two-way, so from us you can expect a professional and safe working environment where teamwork is paramount. We are really looking for someone who is currently operating at this level in a similar role, however, linked to our value of ‘never stop growing’ we are open to individuals who may be looking for their next career opportunity. About Us Here at Tyman UK and Ireland, our purpose is to transform the security, comfort, and sustainability of living and working spaces through our expert touch. Tyman UK and Ireland is one of three divisions within the Tyman Group which has over 4000 employees globally and facilities in 17 countries. Based in the heart of the West Midlands ERA is a key part of the Tyman UK and Ireland Group . Our job is simple - develop window and door hardware that stands out from the rest while giving the fabricator, installer and homeowner clear benefits.

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