Customer Service Account Manager

Do you have a passion for IT?  Are you interested in working for a growing Irish company that wants to help save the planet by extending the life of IT hardware? If you are curious and interested in working in a dynamic team environment where building a sustainable future is at the heart of what we do, Wisetek may be the Company for you. Founded in 2007, Wisetek has grown to be a global leader in IT asset disposition (ITAD), secure data destruction, reuse, and technology manufacturing services worldwide. We operate globally with facilities in Ireland, UK, Thailand and 5 facilities covering the US. Our services include IT asset disposition (ITAD), manufacturing and fulfilment, data destruction, data centre services, reverse logistics, hard drive shredding and hard drive disposal services. Our mission is to provide our valued clients with world-class IT Asset Disposition services and excellence in sustainability, data security, and compliance.Wisetek’s plan is to continue to grow and we are looking for driven, dynamic, people who want to make a difference to help us. What do we offer you?An opportunity to work for a company that is making a real difference, where you will work with a great Team and if you are looking for career progression, we have a proven history. Eligible Employees receive additional annual leave based on service, opportunity to join a matching Defined Contribution Pension Scheme, Education Assistance, Employee discount scheme on IT Equipment, Discounted Healthcare membership, Bike to Work Scheme and paid for Company Events. With Facilities globally and new facilities coming on board there are opportunities for international assignment and travel too. Wisetek are looking for a Customer Service Account Manager to join our team. Job Purpose and Responsibilities: This key role will provide best in class customer service and delivery, ensuring a seamless implementation and onboarding experience for our clients. Whilst the exact responsibilities will vary, the main duties of the Customer Service Account Manager can be summarised as follows Building strong strategic relationships with existing and new customersConsult with customers to understand their business challenges and objectivesSolving complex customer service issues and proactively preventing negative service trendsWork cross-functionally with all departments to ensure the highest standards of customer serviceManaging workflow, escalations and effectively delegating workload across the teamConducting continuous customer analysisConducting accurate demand forecasting, planning, and delivery collaboratively with other supporting teamsLeading business impact assessments, identifying risks and issues that may affect current and future business units and rolesDeveloping and achieving performance goals and objectives in order to achieve customer expectationsParticipating in business leadership meetings; developing and driving strategies and programs which improve the competitive position and profitability of the organizationGuide sales teams on the best approach to address our customers’ needsSuggest improvements and expansions to our customers’ marketing programsWork with all services teams to ensure engagement, retention & adoption metrics are metMonitor the progress to completion of new onboards and expand deals ensuring completion metrics are metBe the point of contact for escalation of customer account issues • Provide general customer insight and feedback to other departmentsDevelop and monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to drive improvements in service performance metrics and quality, whilst setting actionable strategy for the delivery of outstanding customer care.Implement internal as well as customer-facing processes to improve internal efficiencies Principal Qualifications required Degree level qualification required5 years of relevant experience, ideally a background in Operations, as well as customer success or account management experienceStrong influencing, networking and team working skillsHigh level awareness of developments in the Information Technology marketplaceAbility to manage, influence, persuade, negotiate and build consensus to drive Customer Service initiatives.Proficiency in planning, change management and problem-solving, and able to resolve issues of a highly complex and strategic natureAbility to work well in and across global teamsExcellent communications and presentation skillsExperience in Six Sigma/Lean Processes

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