Customer Experience Supervisor

As Customer Experience Supervisor,  your role will involve managing a team of customer service agents handling customer queries via phone and chat. You will be responsible for managing strict SLAs and agent KPIs and ensuring resolution with the customer while providing the highest level of customer service.Various reporting requirements and other escalated tasks are also involved in the position. This role will give the right candidate the opportunity to change internal processes and procedures to enhance our customers experience and improve their interactions with PrepayPower.   Your New Role and Responsibilities Coordinate the day-to-day operations of the team while ensuring service levels and regulatory compliance are met.Identifying pain points with key focus on driving change and improvements within the business. Involvement in process improvement projects.Liaising with outsourced companies to ensure delivery of exceptional customer experience.Monthly reporting tasks across a range of areas to senior management.  Managing workflows.Training new hires.Evaluating team performance, ensuring KPIs are met and providing feedback.Other Projects as deemed necessary by the Customer Experience Manager. Essential Experience & Skills to Succeed Minimum 2 years’ experience at supervisory level delivering high quality support. Excellent Excel and MS office skills.Reporting experience.Experience working in the Utilities sector advantageous. Experience in process improvement/lean six sigma advantageous. Considerable attention to detail essential. Proven ability to work in a self-directed and organised manner.Experience of working with a CRM system beneficial. Prepay Power is the market leader for Pay-As-You-Go electricity and gas in Ireland. We disrupted the energy market in 2011 with one purpose in mind: ‘To give people total control and complete transparency over their electricity costs.’ Over 170,000 customers have already switched to Prepay Power (and we’re still growing!). In a market dominated by semi-states and subsidiaries to large energy multinationals, we are Irish-owned and independent. Our service empowers customers to take control of their energy costs. Rather than the traditional market model of short-term discounts with significant terms attached, we help customers achieve long term savings on the electricity, gas and broadband that they use, which counts on every bill. Our approach is different, and customer driven. We pride ourselves on providing customers with an excellent level of service in an operationally efficient manner. PrepayPower is an Equal Opportunity Employer, we believe and treat all our employees, customers and other stakeholders with dignity and respect.

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