Credit Controller – 6 Month FTC - Dunboyne, Co. Meath

Finance – Head Office, Dunboyne, Co.Meath, A86W820 The Credit Controller will support the finance department by handling invoicing, customer account management, and payment processing. This role is critical in maintaining accurate records and ensuring smooth operations within the accounts receivable function. The ideal candidate will possess strong customer-focused skills to build and maintain positive relationships while effectively managing debt collection. This is a 6-month fixed-term contract with potential for permanency. Responsibilities:·        Manage and collect outstanding debts in a timely manner.·        Reduce overdue balances in line with set targets.·        Manage credit limits while working directly with Sales Account Managers.·        Reconcile customer accounts and resolve discrepancies.·        Build and maintain strong customer relationships to facilitate payment collection.·        Assist with monthly closing activities and reporting.·        Perform ad-hoc duties as required to support the wider business. Skills Required:·        Strong attention to detail and accuracy.·        Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.·        Ability to build and maintain positive customer relationships.·        Proficiency in accounting software and Microsoft Excel.·        Ability to manage multiple tasks and prioritize effectively.·        Strong ability to work as part of a team to meet deadlines and targets.·        Basic understanding of accounting principles.·        Problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to resolving issues. Hiring Process Upon Application:·        Telephone Screening·        1 round interview process·        Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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