Creche Manager | New Creche | Greystones

Due to continued expansion, we are now looking for a new manager for our new creche in Greystones, Co Wicklow. This is a really exciting opportunity to join a rapidly expanding, progressive leader in childcare in Ireland.The role:§ The Creche Manager role is to ensure compliance with all childcare regulations.§ Ensure that all Little Harvard policy and procedures, legislation and statutory guidelines are being fully implemented, monitored, and adhered to§ Follow up with enquiries, organise viewings and new bookings.§ Keep software and online data bases such as Famly, Advance Systems, NCS up to date.§ Management and support of all staff within the creche§ Ensure that all staff receive regular support and supervision, performance management and annual appraisals.§ Ensure staff training needs are identified, responded to and that learning is promoted.§ Ability to liaise with parents, guardians and families and build parent partnerships.§ Performance Management, supporting continuous personal and professional development. § Report any concerns to the appropriate person in a timely manner.§ Keep up to date records on all staff, timesheets, annual leave, sick leave etc.§ Ensure the creche is always delivering high quality childcare.§ Promote the concept of diversity welcoming all families.§ Always ensure the Safety and Protection of the Children in your care§ Always communicate effectively in a clear and professional manner § Promote a work environment of engagement and excellence.§ Delegate and develop staff where necessary and appropriate§ In depth knowledge of children's age and stage, appropriate needs and development§ Focus on raising standards in early learning and educationAbility to implement Little Harvard’s curriculum demonstrating the links between early childhood and education, theory and practice in line with the national curriculum framework, Aistear and the National Quality Framework, Siolta.ESSENTIAL SKILLS1.     Childcare Regulations, Tusla Inspections Knowledge and Experience2.     HACCAP knowledge  3.     NCS Knowledge4.     FAR Certified5.     Better start / AIM Experience 6.     Able to work collaboratively with other mangers, HR, and the senior management team7.     IT Skills8.     Excellent Communication and Team Building Skills9.     Resilience and Leadership BENEFITSExtremely competitive salaryJob SecurityCompany Employee Assistance ProgramDiscounted private health insuranceBonus loyalty daysCareer advancement opportunitiesOn-site training and Continuous Professional DevelopmentIntroduction bonus for any employee who introduces another employeeEmployee Incentive schemesSALARYDOE&E

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