Early Years Cook | Greystones (New Crèche!)

Little Harvard is an Irish family owned business which has been caring for and educating children since 1995. At Little Harvard our employees are highly valued and play a vital part in ensuring that we provide outstanding childcare in a safe and stimulating learning environment.We are now looking for an Early Years Chef for our Creche located in Greystones (Co. Wicklow). Join our team!The role of Chef in this environment is to order, cook and serve nutritionally balanced meals appropriate for under-fives in accordance with the nursery's nutritional guidance for the under-fives.MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREDThe ideal candidate MUST have a minimum of Food Safety training level 3.ESSENTIAL SKILLSMust have a genuine love for cooking.Excellent cooking skills.Be enthusiastic about working in childcare.Must be motivated, and a team player.Overall responsibility for the kitchen’s daily operations.Liaising with the relevant companies for food orders.Creating delicious and nourishing dishes and menus.Implementation of health and safety procedures in the kitchenKnowledge of safeguardingHealth and safety awarenessExcellent communication and interpersonal skills BENEFITS:Extremely competitive salary.Company Employee Assistance Programme.Discounted private health insurance.Bonus loyalty days.Career advancement opportunities.On-site training and continuous professional development.Rental, Staff only, accommodation (only in certain areas).Introduction bonus for any employee who introduces another employee.Employee incentive schemes.HOURS OF WORKTo be confirmed. Opening Hours: from 07:30hs to 18:30hs.LOCATIONGreystones (New Creche!), Co. WicklowSALARY RANGE€15.00 per hour D.O.E.Get a better look at us:https://www.instagram.com/littleharvard_childcare/https://www.facebook.com/littleharvardhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/little-harvard-creche-montessori-after-school/

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