Corporate Security Officer

Secure Your Career Today!We are hiring for a premium corporate client in Dublin city. This team provides a world class security programme to the client and a great experience for employees and visitors. Developing at Provincial means you will play a key role amongst people who want to make a difference. You lead by example and enjoy new challenges. Do you have?A passion for customer service.Enjoy building relationships and working as part of a team.An eye for detail – you have your security focus in tune and notice when something isn’t as it should be.An interest in being part of the local community.Excellent communication skills: verbal, written and listening. You will be operating in a diverse environment and may need to adapt your communications to your audience.About the role         The role is part-time or full-time with 12 hour day shifts across 7 days per week. You may be required to work nights to cover holidays or absences.Responsibilities include but are not limited to:  Welcome and greet employees, visitors and contractors coming into the building.Perform a variety of routine and non-routine duties associated with access control, CCTV monitoring and door alarm event monitoring.Follow policies, standards and guidelines to carry out day to day duties.Monitor secondary access points and ensure adherence to relevant policies and procedures.Work with the security team, management, client and contractors.Provide professional customer service whether responding to a first aid situation, answering a query or dealing with lost property.Accurately record relevant information for inclusion in scheduled reports.Write reports as required.Be proactive and report all unusual circumstances and situations and respond as necessary. Job RequirementsExcellent verbal and written communication ability. Including a courteous and professional telephone manner, with accuracy in relaying information.High level of attention to detail.Ability to maintain high level of concentration and focus.Ability to prioritise and multi-task.Professional appearance and demeanor.Excellent customer service.Ability to carry out tasks independently while also being a team player.Ability to interact effectively at all levels and across diverse cultures.Ability to follow instructions, directives and prescribed procedures.Ability and willingness to learn new technology as required.Action oriented with a passion for getting things done quickly, efficiently, and properly.Good computer skills with the ability to learn new systems. Must be proficient and familiar in the use of the Microsoft Office and Google Suite products.General knowledge of electronic access control systems, CCTV and alarms systems is an advantage.The highest adherence to ethics. Preferred Qualifications·      PSA Licence·      First Aid Certificate Here’s what we offer you. ·      A challenging, flexible and interesting role·      A sense of security and belonging ·      High quality training and coaching from talented people·      A long list of great brands to work with·      A fun team culture who get involved in corporate social responsibility and social activities·      Ambitious growth plans and great progression opportunities And that’s not all·      Industry Leading Wage Package·      Comprehensive Sick Pay·      Employee Assistance Programme with counselling, well-being supports for you and your family·      Real Opportunities for Advancement·      Maternity top up payment and flexible working hours·      Excellent Working Environment as accredited by Excellence Through People & Great Places to Work 2018·      Training opportunities Looking after our team is important to us. As well as the benefits listed above, we also offer holidays, pension scheme, bike to work scheme, mental health supports, refer a friend scheme, Christmas savings club and more. If there’s something important to you not listed above, talk to our team.

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