Corporate Security Officer

Do you want to work part-time? Do you have other commitments you would like to work around?We are looking for a customer focused person to join our diverse security team in Dublin 15. You will work on our premium client site guided by onsite leadership.We are looking for Someone Who HasA passion for customer service.An eye for detail and notice when something isn’t as it should be.Good Knowledge of Microsoft Office (excel, word, outlook etc.).The willingness to learn and follow procedures.Strong communication skills; verbal, written and listening. About the role      As a Corporate Security Officer, you will be responsible for ensuring all visitors and employees are welcomed to the office, monitoring access controls, creating and allocating access badges and much more.This part time role is for a 4 x 6 hour officer (Monday to Thursday) from 16.00-22.00 each day. Responsibilities include but are not limited to:  Welcome and greet all visitors and employees to the office.Ensure visitors are welcomed and assisted and directed to their host in line with procedures.Creating and allocating access badges.Being a first point of contact and being fully knowledgeable on the geography of the building and the locality and be able to assist with any queries in this area.Accurately record relevant information for inclusion in weekly/monthly reports as required.Report all unusual circumstances and situations and respond, as necessary.Identify and act upon all suspicious activity or potential criminal activity, retaining full control until emergency services arrive.Escalate any issue by communicating these to the Security leadership team.Communicate with team members at all times and be able to highlight operational issues immediately in line with procedures.Learn all client and Provincial procedures and ensure these are followed at all times.Take part in fire drills, maintenance of life safety systems and being proactive regarding updating procedures when requested.Engage with all training as required.  QualificationsPSA License Here's what we offer youA challenging, flexible and interesting roleA sense of security and belongingHigh quality training and coaching from talented peopleA long list of great brands to work withA fun team culture who get involved in corporate social responsibility and social activitiesAmbitious growth plans and great progression opportunitiesAnd that's not allIndustry Leading Wage PackageComprehensive Sick Pay & Wellness SchemeReal Opportunities for advancementMaternity top up payment and flexible working hoursExcellent Working Environment as accredited by Excellence Through People & Great Places to Work 2018Training Opportunities

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