Corporate Receptionist

CORPORATE RECEPTIONISTMonday - Friday - 9 am - 6 pm40hrs per week15.00 PER HOUR Location: Dublin, city centreJob objectives and responsibilitiesProfileAs a member of the Front of House team, our clients, guests and team expect an individual whose appearance and demeanour reflect the high standards of Signature. Attitude should be one of confidence and professionalism, whilst recognising that guest satisfaction through team member services and performance is what is required to create an authentic experience.General ScopeTo ensure all guests are received in Authentic manner and our culture and values are presented every day. To make sure the front of house, and meeting rooms are efficiently managed to the higest standards.This role is diverse between fronts of house and administrate tasks; this will require you to be proactive and efficient in your delivery to create a smooth daily operation.Main dutiesTo represent Signature in a proficient, professional and personal manner at all times.To ensure appearance is maintained to our grooming standards.To attend any training sessions requested by the management team.To assist all guests and clients with any reasonable requests.Covering the Reception desk to sign in visitors, issuing the health and safety brief, and answering and solving telephone queries.Responding to the Reception Inbox making sure all emails are replied to in a timely manner.Taking ownership and maintaining the hospitality area, ensuring stock is full up at all times and the area is clean and presentable.Monthly stock checks and ordering of stationary for office supplies.Proactively assisting with any events our clients require support on.Ensuring all health and safety posters and leaflets are up to date and relevant.Being the representative on behalf of the team for the engagement team.Liaising with the day-to-day FM team to relay any building issues or queries.TelephonyTo answer the telephone within a timely manner using the correct greeting.To transfer all calls in an efficient, professional and personal manner. About MitieMitie provides a wide range of facilities management (FM) services across Ireland, Europe, and the UK. These are delivered as integrated FM contracts, in bundles or as single services, depending on client requirements. Our service areas include Integrated FM; Hard FM technical and building services; Cleaning, Security, and front of house. We work with a wide range of private and public clients to create great work environments. Our premise is simple: the exceptional, every day.Company Benefits:Free Virtual GP ServiceLife Assurance PlanEmployee Assistance Programme (EAP)MiDealsMiRecognitionSave as you Earn (SAYE) SchemeBike2Work SchemeThis job description is intended to give the post holder an appreciation of the role envisaged for this position and the range of duties undertaken. It does not attempt to detail every activity, and should be utilised as a general guide, detailing the minimum requirements and responsibilities of the position. Specific tasks and objectives will be agreed with the post holder following the appraisal process and on an as and when required basis throughout the post holder's period of employment.Ahead of being contacted by our Talent Team in relation to your application, we would like to inform you that you will need to provide the following documents if you successfully obtain a position with us:Proof of right to workPhoto ID - A passport or driving licence is required as proof of ID.Proof of address dated in last 3 monthsBank Statement dated in last 3 monthsProof of PPS (Public Services Card is not accepted)Reference details Mitie is an equal opportunities employer

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