Corporate Development Executive

Corporate Development ExecutiveJob Purpose and Description The National Concert Hall’s vision is to be an inspiring and world-renowned music destination, accessible to all, enriching the cultural landscape of Ireland.  We are a living space for music, for lifelong enjoyment, connection and participation in music, for everyone.As part of the Development Team at the Hall it is our responsibility to source and maintain key strategic partners and develop new and diverse revenue streams to ensure the continued success and scaling of the Hall's cultural output, including productions and education, community and outreach work. You will be responsible for managing relationships with our corporate and trust and foundation supporters, driving awareness, growth and loyalty amongst partners, as well as developing and administering applications for funding from various trusts and foundations. Key Requirements ·       Proven track record in achieving fundraising targets within specific deadlines ·       Ability to work with and influence a range of stakeholders ·       Credible and confident at C¬Suite level ·       A strong network of contacts and excellent research skills ·       Credibility to build strong long-term relationships with partners in cultural and commercial sectors ·       Strong reporting skills ·       Proven track record in delivering in a target driven environment to specific KPIs ·       Proficiency in CRM systems as well as Powerpoint and Excel ·       Relevant third level qualification The Person ·       Minimum 2 years’ experience in fundraising and corporate development, ideally in the cultural sector·       Experience in writing and developing proposals and in reporting on partnership plans·       Demonstrated passion for fundraising and the Arts·       Innovative, creative, decisive and problem solver ·       Target and results driven·       A good instinct for opportunities ·       An excellent team player, flexible and adaptable·       Excellent interpersonal, communication and listening skills with an ability to empathise with others ·       Good initiative and eye for detail ·       Well-developed organisational skills  Remuneration Pay: The Executive Officer salary scale applies (rates effective from 1 October 2022) as follows:Personal Pension Contribution (PPC):€32,649 €34,514 €35,567 €37,622 €39,464 €41,245 €43,021 €44,759 €46,515 €48,222 €49,982 €51,148 €52,808¹ €54,481² The PPC pay scale will apply where the appointee is an existing civil or public servant appointed on or after 6th April 1995 and is required to make a personal pension contribution. It will also apply to new permanent employees and fixed term un-established employees.Please note that appointment will be made at the first point on this salary scale.The annual leave entitlement is 21 days per annum.Your normal working hours can fall as 39 hours per week. You may from time to time be required to work overtime, including weekends, depending on the requirements of your work. You will be required to be flexible in this position and must be prepared to undertake such other duties as may be assigned to you by the NCH from time to time.Application process Please apply with CV and one page covering letter outlining the case for your appointment.Closing date for applications is 23rd December 2022. The National Concert Hall is an equal opportunities employer

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