Control Systems Engineer

Great opportunity available for an experienced Control Systems Engineer to join our Systems Engineering Department in Irvine! Hybrid working available.Purpose of job for Control Systems EngineerThe position involves working with our strategic clients providing control systems engineering support throughout project lifecycle. The candidate will be responsible for the design documentation development, configuration, testing and commissioning of process control systems across a variety of process industries. The successful candidate will be expected to work alone or as part of a larger project team delivering all aspects of a control system project from concept to commissioning.Knowledge and Experience (Good to have) for the Control Systems EngineerWorking with our strategic clients providing project control system support throughout project lifecycle. The candidate should have the following characteristics:-Experience in preparing and approving control system design, quality and test documentationExperience configuring Siemens, Rockwell or Emerson control systems essential (PLC, SCADA, DCS)Experience within Life and Chemical Sciences and/or Oil & Gas sectors preferredA knowledge of Functional Safety/SIL systemsA knowledge of Control Panel design and solid understanding of control system hardware and installationA knowledge of Hazardous Area design principlesBe able to deliver control system projects from configuration and testing through to commissioningBe able to work as part of a team and take a lead role in control system projectsBe able to mentor less experienced engineersBe able to self-organise and schedule project work and deliverables in a timely manner to meet project deadlinesBe degree qualified and work towards chartered status (IET) or already CEngWe are building a culture of Emotional Intelligence at Booth Welsh, as part of our Mission and Values, it is our aim to develop and nurture the talent of the entire workforce, empowering people to do better every day and enhance their health, wellbeing, and fulfilment.We are keen to attract people open to exploring their Emotional Intelligence within our growing business. Our goal is to provide the information and support required to assist everyone with understanding and improving their Emotional Intelligence to help get the best out of yourself and your colleagues.

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