Control Room Administrator

To book an interview for this position call 01228 547662 and ask for recruitment £12.55 per hourFull Time - Nights & Weekends - Mix of 8 and 12 hour shifts Calling all Night Owls! We have an exciting opportunity for a skilled Administrator to join our Operations Team. If you are an excellent communicator with a great telephone manner and are a diligent and accurate administrator, we would like to hear from you. Working independently on your own, the ability to react and respond accordingly to any incidents during your shift is essential, and you will possess strong administrative skills and be comfortable working on a PC. (Full training on our in-house systems will be provided). Job Description Role & Responsibilities:Manage all incoming calls, prioritise, and respond according to company procedures and industry requirements, always following procedures and escalating where appropriate.Maintain accurate records and reports of all incidents and occurrences using the appropriate systems and reporting tools.Employee welfare calls, dealing with and resolving ‘dropped shifts’ / absence cover.Monitoring CCTV.Liaising with our mobile response units. Skills & Experience: A passion for delivering excellent customer service levels.A natural problem solver who can multitask and prioritise.Excellent communication skills, (written and verbal) including a polite professional telephone manner.Strong IT and administration skills. Attention to detail and accuracy of reporting is essential. Applicants must be:Smart and presentablePolite and approachableProfessional and able to make decisions on their own accordVigilant for anything out of the ordinaryPunctual & reliableBe flexible for work shiftsBe able to provide 5 year checkable history to complete BS7858 vetting and screening Benefits of the role:Full training will be provided28 days holiday (pro rata for part time hours)Company contributory pension scheme availableFull uniform provided We aim to create a working environment in which all individuals are able to make best use of their skills, free from discrimination or harassment and in which all decisions are based on merit.

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