Contact Centre Agent

Contact Centre AgentPacifica Group LtdLocation: Houghton-le-Spring, County Durham, England.Job Type: Full-time positions available. PermanentHours: 37.5 up to 40 hours per week (5 days out of 7, 8am – 8pm) – predominately Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm. Salary: Age under 21: Starting at £18,525 rising to £19,500 upon completion of successful probationary period. Age over 21: Starting at £20,475 rising to £21,450 upon completion of successful probationary period.Who are Pacifica?Founded in 2003 and united under the Pacifica brand two years later, we’ve grown to become the largest Domestic Support services provider in the UK and a trusted name across Europe. With a reputation for excellence and a core resource of directly employed, experienced engineers, sales and support staff, our service offer includes repairs in and out of guarantee, warranty products, spares warehousing and product replacement. Pacifica Appliance Services has become one of the largest professional Appliance Repair companies in the UK. What are we looking for?An exciting opportunity has arisen for a number of Contact Centre Service Desk Technicians to join our well-established teams based in our head office in Houghton-le-Spring. The role would involve answering inbound calls and handling web chat enquiries from customers wishing to book appliance repairs, order spare parts or discuss ongoing repairs, whilst delivering exceptional customer service on all aspects of the call.What will be your key responsibilities?-         Manage incoming calls from customers and clients positively promoting our business while providing world class customer support related to appliance repairs-         Ability to handle multiple web chats and incoming calls simultaneously-         Ability to handle escalations from customers -         Undergo any training and development as required and complete any online training courses when assigned through Pacifica’s Learning Hub.-         Participate with Account Manager & Management to review performance and targets and agree plan of action. Participate in Monthly/Quarterly 1-2-1 with line manager-         Carry out any administrative duties assigned by management daily-         Ensure client portals are actioned and any queries/waiting for approvals/client and customer notes etc are clearedWhat experience and skills we are looking for?-         1 year minimum experience of working in a Customer Service/Contact Centre environment-         Deliver exceptional customer service to all internal and external clients and customers-         Problem solving skills-         Flexible working approach-         Capable of multi-tasking in a fast-paced Contact Centre environment-         Drive / Self-motivation-         Good organisational and time management skills-         Good understanding and a proficient user of Microsoft systems e.g Excel, Word etc-         Excellent knowledge and understanding of client requirements to be the ‘Expert’ in your fieldCompany Benefits-         Regular company events-         Company pension-         Free on-site parking-         Availability to work remotelyReady to join our team?This could be the perfect opportunity for you! If you feel this role is for and you have the skills and experience to fit the bill, apply today. We’d love to hear from you.

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