
Unique opportunities exist at the Galway Clinic to establish a consultant practice in the West of Ireland. Recent developments at the Galway Clinic include a hybrid/interventional theatre suite, a 128 slice CT scanner, a fully electronic medical record, electronic medication administration and bedside medication verification, stereotactic radiation linear accelerator.The Galway Clinic has a well-established Emergency Department. There has been a strong tendency for increasingly acute patients to be admitted to private hospitals over the last few years. This provides the opportunity to rapidly develop a busy practice and to become firmly established in the community and with GPs. Specialities covered in the Galway Clinic include:Gastroenterology,Radiology,Endocrinology, Endovascular Surgery,Gastrointestinal Surgeon,General/Internal Medicine,Geriatric Medicine/Stroke Physician,GynaecologyCardiology,Cardiothoracic SurgeryBreast Reconstruction,Colorectal Surgeon,Accident & EmergencyGeneral Surgeon,Haematology,Hypnotherapy,Interventional Radiologist,Medico-Legal,Musculoskeletal Radiologist,Nephrology,NeurologyOccupational Health,Ophthalmic Surgeon,Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery,Orofacial Pain,Orthopaedic Spinal Surgery,Orthopaedics Surgery,Pain Medicine,Palliative Medicine,Plastic SurgeryPeriodontics,Prosthodontics,Psychiatrist,Radiation Oncology,Respiratory Medicine,Allergy,Aesthetic Surgery,Dietetics/Nutrition,Sports Medicine,Anaesthesia,Dermatology,LaboratoryPathology,Sports Psychology & Migraine Clinic,UrologyVascular SurgeryAll Consultant applicants must have CCST and be eligible for inclusion on the Register of Medical Specialists maintained by the Medical Council in Ireland.   *****Attractive remuneration packages are on offer for successful candidates*****Informal enquiries to Medical Director /CEO Office, Galway Clinic, + 353 91 785714

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