Hotel Day Porter

Job Title: Day Porter Salary - £24,960Hours: 40 hours per week Shifts 5 over 7Conference and Support Services ManagerLocation: Missenden Abbey, Buckinghamshire HP160BDPosition Overview:As a Day Porter at Missenden Abbey you will play a vital role in ensuring the smooth operations of our hotel. You will be responsible for providing support across various departments, including assisting with conference setups, performing general maintenance tasks, and offering assistance as needed to ensure the satisfaction of our guests.Key Responsibilities:1. Conference Setups:  - Assist in setting up conference rooms according to event specifications, including arranging furniture, setting up audio-visual equipment, and ensuring all necessary materials are in place.  - Coordinate with event organizers to understand their requirements and ensure their needs are met promptly and efficiently.  - Maintain cleanliness and organization of conference areas before, during, and after events.2. General Maintenance:  - Perform routine maintenance tasks such as replacing light bulbs, repairing fixtures, and addressing minor plumbing or electrical issues.  - Monitor and replenish supplies in common areas such as restrooms, lobby, and meeting rooms.  - Conduct regular inspections to identify and address any safety hazards or maintenance concerns.3. Support to Other Departments:  - Collaborate with housekeeping staff to maintain cleanliness and orderliness throughout the hotel, including lobbies, corridors, and public areas.  - Assist front desk personnel during peak hours by providing support with guest inquiries, luggage handling, and other guest services.  - Support food and beverage services by setting up and clearing tables, assisting with room service delivery, and ensuring dining areas are clean and presentable.4. Guest Relations:  - Provide friendly and courteous assistance to guests, offering directions, recommendations, and assistance with luggage or other needs.  - Respond promptly to guest requests or concerns, escalating issues to the appropriate department or manager as needed.  - Maintain a professional and welcoming demeanour at all times, representing the hotel in a positive light.Qualifications:- Previous experience in a similar role, preferably in a hotel or hospitality setting.- Strong communication and interpersonal skills.- Ability to prioritize tasks and work efficiently in a fast-paced environment.- Attention to detail and a proactive approach to problem-solving.- Physical stamina to perform tasks that may require lifting, bending, and prolonged standing.- Willingness to work flexible hours, including weekends and holidays, as needed.Join our team at Missenden Abbey and become an integral part of delivering exceptional experiences to our guests. If you're dedicated, proactive, and passionate about hospitality, we want to hear from you! Apply now and embark on a rewarding career in the hospitality industry.

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