Conference & Banqueting Assistants

The Talbot Collection Wexford are currently recruiting for part-time and full-time Conference & Banqueting Assistants. Overall Job PurposeTo provide a friendly and efficient service within the food and beverage areas. Dispensing orders accurately and with courtesy to the standards required by the company. To ensure the cleanliness, correct mis-en-place and set up of the waiting areas prior to service. Also ensuring the guests are warmly greeted; orders are taken efficiently and served to a high standard to ensure guest satisfaction.Main Duties:To ensure that the bar/restaurant/ banquets areas are always kept clean;Responsible for the efficient dispensing and serving of drinks and food when required;To be aware of menu items of the day and drink services;To serve alcohol responsibly;To always deliver exceptional friendly service, to every guest, in line with the Talbot Collection ‘Empower Your Excellence’ customer service program;To familiarise yourself and to carry out duties laid out in the departmental SOPs;To ensure that the waiting areas are fully prepared for service;To ensure that all food and drinks are served efficiently with minimum delay;To liaise closely with the kitchen;To ensure all orders are taken accurately;To anticipate any guest needs at all times;Meet and greet guests on arrival;Ensure that all guests’ requests and queries are responded to promptly and effectively and an exceptional service is always delivered to guests;Be familiar with the menu and as much information about the food and beverage offering available to answer any questions guests may have;Take food and beverage orders and ensure that orders are communicated to the kitchen and bar promptly and accurately;Ensure an efficient and safe delivery of all food and beverage orders in line with guest expectations ensuring an exceptional level of service is always maintained;Set up, clear and promptly service tables after use to ensure that guests can be seated in a timely manner;Clean and sanitize tables and counter tops after each guest;Polished silver and glassware to be used at all times.The successful candidate will have:Friendly and professional work attitude;Fluent English essential - written and spoken;Must be available to work variable shifts;Excellent interpersonal and organisational skills;Previous experience in a similar role would be a distinct advantage. The role involves weekend work, so flexibility is required. What do we offer?Complimentary Leisure Club MembershipDiscounted Accommodation RatesLife InsuranceEmployee Counselling LineBike to Work SchemePension SchemeChristmas Savings SchemeFree parkingUniform**Talbot Collection Wexford is an equal opportunities employer**Talbot Collection Wexford is certified as a Great Place to Work.

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