Conference and Banqueting Manager

Job Title: Conference and Banqueting ManagerProperty: Talbot Hotel CorkResponsible To: General Manager / Operations ManagerOverall Job Purpose: To ensure the smooth and efficient running of the Conference and Banqueting Department, complying with Company Standards and ensuring complete guest satisfaction at all times. Main Duties:To arrive for work on time and in proper uniform.To ensure a high standard of personal hygiene and grooming.To set and implement all Conference & Banqueting standards as agreed with the General Manager.To ensure that all conference clients are met on arrival and all needs catered for.To liaise closely with the Sales and Marketing office regarding all events.To liaise closely with the Head Chef regarding food quality.To perform Duty Manager responsibilities when needed.To carry out Duty Management as required and assist in other areas of the hotel as requiredTo roster staff accurately and effectively according to business requirements and to monitor these business levels daily.To follow rigidly all HR policies and procedures.To ensure you reach your budgeted GP’s in your department and improve where possible.To ensure that all training records are maintained and updated at all times and to identify training needs.To ensure that all staff are fully trained in the delivery of the agreed standards.To control and monitor all staff on duty ensuring all duties are being fully carried out in accordance with Company Procedures.To attend weekly HOD meetings.To ensure a high standard of service and attention to detail within the hotel/your department.To maximise staff productivity and encourage staff motivation by helping to create a positive working environment.To conduct regular departmental meetings.To carry out our customer relations policy ensuring that we maintain 4 Star standards at all times.To ensure that necessary steps are taken to safeguard Company money, goods and assets.To familiarise yourself and to ensure that duties laid out in the departmental S.O.P. manual are carried out at all times.To deal with customer complaints in an efficient and professional manner and to notify Management of these.To upsell the Company products and services where possible.Other DutiesTo ensure excellent customer service at all times in line with the Talbot Collection Customer Service Programme, ‘Empower Your Excellence’, recognising that you are an ‘Ambassador’ of the Talbot Collection at all times;To ensure professionalism and integrity at all times when communicating with both internal and external guests;To make certain that the four star standard of the hotel is portrayed in all your actions and dealings with internal and external guests alike;To establish and maintain a good working relationship with your colleagues and management at all times;To have total product knowledge of each properties services and facilities, and a complete knowledge of Talbot Collections product offering as a whole; To familiarise and adhere to company policies and procedures as outlined in the staff handbook;To be present and punctual for all in-house/external training programmes when requested;To adhere to all Fire, Safety and Hygiene regulations and to comply with the Health and Safety at work act 2005;To take a proactive involvement in Health and Safety ensuring to report and where possible take action on incidents of accidents or damage in the Hotel;To be proactive in maintaining energy efficiency within the Hotel;To comply with all policies and directives of the Collection;Any other sundry task not mentioned but within scope of the job.    This is just the beginning of your journey with us. Join our team and be part of an extraordinary experience at Oriel House Hotel.

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