Conference and Banqueting Assistant

 A fantastic opportunity to join the team at Mount Wolseley Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort as Conference and Banqueting Assistant. Mount Wolseley Hotel in Carlow. is beautifully situated in the tranquil countryside of County Carlow, just one hour from Dublin City, the Mount Wolseley Luxury 4 * Golf & Spa Resort Hotel is an exquisite location for both business and pleasure.Standing on its own 18-Hole Championship Golf Course and featuring a Sanctuary Spa, Leisure Club Facilities including 20m Indoor Pool, The Mount Wolseley Hotel near Dublin offers luxury hotel accommodation in Carlow which matches an elegant, chic interior with ultra-modern amenities and impeccable service.Objective: To provide an efficient and effective service to all visitors, members and guests to Mount Wolseley Resort. The most important aspect of our business is customer service and your role within the company is central to successfully achieving our goals.Main duties and responsibilities:To accurately record, pre-check, and pick up all food and beverage ordersTo serve guests their food and beverage during day and evening functions in a prompt and courteous mannerTo set tables as needed prior to guest arrival and in accordance with departmental standardsTo set up function rooms according to function sheets and/or directions from C&B /Sales Team, keeping comfort and practicality for the guest in mindTo contribute to the general upkeeping of function rooms and related public areasTo ensure that the working area and station are stocked with “mise-en-place” and kept clean and tidy at all timesTo ensure the smooth running of the assigned station at all timesTo maintain a thorough working knowledge of food and beverage menus, to be able to advise guests on selection and promote additional sales accordinglyTo promote additional sales by taking opportunities to up-sell, in a manner that is professional and courteousRequirements:Fluent English and excellent communication skillsAvailability to work on Fridays from 5pm and full flexibility on Saturdays and SundaysPrevious experience working in a Food & Beverage environment i.e. hotel, restaurant, bar is essentialEmployee Benefits:Meals on dutyRefer a Friend ProgramEmployee Assistance ProgramEmployee Recognition AwardsTeam Member Accommodation & F&B discounts in Windward Management propertiesComplimentary parkingReferences:All employment offers made are subject to a valid work permit and us receiving a satisfactory reference

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