Company Safety Officer

For over 40 years, Prosper has been at the forefront of providing high-quality, person-centered services to adults with intellectual disabilities in North County Dublin and Co Meath. We are currently seeking a highly skilled and experienced Company Safety Officer to join our dedicated team in the field of disability services. As a leading provider of disability support, we are committed to enhancing the quality of life for the individuals we support and promoting their independence. The Company Safety Officer will ensure that all aspects of health, safety and welfare of individuals supported by Prosper, employees and visitors are managed in accordance with health and safety and other relevant legislation, codes of practice, Prosper policies and procedures and the Prosper Safety Statement. This is a cross functional role and will require close communication and partnership with Operations, Human Resources, Clinical, Quality & Standards, Finance and other functions to ensure the delivery of effective and efficient services.  Salary Scale: €53,067 - €64,833Location: Skerries, North County DublinHours: 37 hours The successful candidate must possess the following:  Level 8 / 9 Degree in Occupational Safety and Health ManagementMinimum of three years working in a Health and Safety RoleExcellent knowledge of the Safety, Health and Welfare legislation Full, clean, manual driving licence                                                                                 Excellent knowledge of MS Office applicationsA keen interest in progressing disability services Working with Prosper provides excellent terms and conditions including:Generous Annual LeaveSick Pay SchemePensionEmployee Assistance ProgrammeMaternity Leave AllowanceTraining / Continuous professional developmentCycle to Work SchemeCareer Progression OpportunitiesSuperb facilitiesPositive work environment We would love to hear from you if you have a relevant qualification, significant experience, and are willing to work in an environment that upholds the highest of standards. Prosper Group is an Equal Opportunities Employer

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