company Accountant

Markree castle are recruiting for a company Accountant to join the team.Main duties:Oversee the day-to-day finance operations of the hotel. Responsible for computing, recording, collecting, analysing and verifying numerical data for use in maintaining accounting records of the financial operations of the hotel. Deliver accurate and timely financial reports and ensure the proper internal controls over key financial processes are maintained. Additionally responsible for generating bills and collect all revenue owed to the hotel in an accurate, timely manner in accordance with accounting policies and procedures. Also assist the General manager in directing the financial activities of the hotel.Company Accountant DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:Manage all aspects of the accounting records including accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, General Ledger reporting. Manage the cash handling functions for the hotel and reconcile all cash and credit card receipts. Investigate any discrepancies & report to the General Manager. Production of weekly revenue and payroll report and report to General Manager. Production of monthly management accounts and balance sheet reconciliations.Preparation of bi-monthly VAT returns and submission to Revenue in a timely manner. Completion of year end accounts and liaise with external auditors. Maintain all ledgers of the property management system – deposit ledger, guest ledger and city ledger. Co-ordinate with the Front Office team on resolving any imbalances found. Ensure deposits received from guests are recorded on the PMS in a timely manner. Maintain all aspects of payroll to include recording of new employee commencements, management of our Time & Attendance, processing of weekly payroll on Sage Micro-pay, Revenue returns and uploading of payroll files to bank for payment.Maintain all aspects of accounts receivable to include set up of new credit customers, in accordance with credit procedures, issuing of invoices to credit customers, issuing of monthly statements and ensure payments are received within credit terms. Maintain all aspects of accounts payable to include processing of invoices on Sage 50 accounting software, reconciliation of supplier payments and preparation of monthly supplier payment runs. Ensuring ad-hoc payments are made in line with company policy. Timely recording of all bank receipts and payments and weekly reconciliation of all bank accounts. Ensure correct reporting from the Point of Sale (Astec) to the Property Management system (Room master) to the accounting software (Sage 50). Review of employee expense claim forms and payment of same. Any other job-related duties as and when assigned by the general manager / director / accounts manageRequirements of Company accountant·       Must have permission to work in the Republic of Ireland·       Minimum of 3 years experience in a similar role·       Experience in payroll desirable·       Knowledge of Sage 50 accounts, Sage Micro-pay and PMS system Room-master an advantage·       Knowledge of Revenue VAT and PAYE returns an advantage·       Excellent communication skills with great attention to detail·       Experience with Microsoft word and excel. Fluent written & spoken EnglishBenefits to Company accountantExcellent work cultureEAP programme in placeCompetitive rates of payStaff meals providedDiscount across OIH & RCOI brandsFree onsite parking

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