Community Resource Worker/OT - Part Time

Vision Ireland Services is an organisation which provides support and services nationwide to people experiencing sight loss. We also provide a range of services to public and private organisations to ensure their services are accessible to people who are blind and vision impairedAbout the role The CRW will work with children who are blind and vision impaired within the CHO1 area and surrounding wider areas.The successful candidate will, along with their colleagues on the Children and Young Persons Team, work collectively to support and contribute to national initiatives and caseloads, therefore you will be required to travel in the course of carrying out your daily duties.This is a part-time, permanent post comprising of 19 hours per week covering the North/NorthWest area. Third level qualification in Occupational Therapy or other allied health profession, Special Education or Low Vision is essential. Experience of working with children with a disability an advantage. Apply with both a cover letter and CV. Informal enquiries by email only to Closing date is 6th January 2025. Purpose of the postTo provide a quality and professional service to children with vision loss and their families to moderate the impact of vision loss and ensure children are supported to achieve their potential. Key Relationships: Internal•        Children with vision loss and their families•        Colleagues within the Vision Ireland children’s team•        Colleagues within Life Cycle Teams & departments•        Other Vision Ireland colleagues•        Vision Ireland Volunteers  External•        Referral agencies       •        Visiting Teacher Service•        Schools & colleges•        Early Intervention & School Age teams•        Other statutory and voluntary bodies Responsibilities•             To liaise with referrers and manage intake of referrals of children according to Vision Ireland’s agreed protocols.•             To provide in depth functional impact assessment at baseline and ongoing, with all children deemed appropriate for referral to Vision Ireland services•             To independently manage a caseload of children using a tiered approach to intervention based on assessed needs.•             To advise and/or deliver intervention programmes to children with vision loss, ranging from universal, targeted and/or individualised solutions and strategies which include the following areas: Development/enhancement of independent living skillsMaximising residual vision Development of compensatory skillsCommunication skills & assistive technologySafe and independent travel skillsEnvironmental adaptation     •             To provide an appropriate level of emotional support and demonstrate empathy to families and children and refer on for further support where necessary.•            Support the co-ordination of group activities where required, e.g., group learning, peer support etc., and facilitate the inclusion of volunteers in such activities. (These activities may necessitate occasional stays away from home.)•             Provide relevant and appropriate information regarding all aspects of sight loss and how it impacts function to support families in maximising their child’s potential.•             Liaise with government, statutory and voluntary bodies in the promotion of the needs and rights of people with vision impairment and their families.•             Work in partnership with families and other professionals in all stages of service provision to ensure optimal outcomes for children with vision loss.•             To develop and maintain your own knowledge base and skills and to contribute to the team learning•             Take an active role in the development of Vision Ireland services for children working both independently and collaboratively within a skill mix team•             To contribute to policy and assist in the setting & monitoring of standards as well as evaluation of practice & service.•          Maintain case and work records to the standards required within the Organisation and comply with all Vision Ireland policies in relation to electronic record keeping, file maintenance, information sharing, confidentiality, health and safety etc.•             To be aware of and adhere to Vision Ireland and statutory Child Protection measuresGeneral •             Be cognisant of and conform to all the Vision Ireland policies & procedures Above responsibilities reflect the current service requirements and may be subject to amendment to meet the changing needs of the service. Our Values Vision Ireland’s core values give effect to our vision and permeate our mission and inform all of our actions to ensure that we achieve the highest standards in everything we do.  Inclusive Approach Vision Ireland listens to people who use our services, staff members, volunteers and all other stakeholders and collaborates with them in the design and delivery of our services and all related activities.  Choice Vision Ireland acknowledges and respects the right of people to make choices about their lives. We will do everything in our power to support people who are blind and vision impaired in exercising this right. Openness and Accountability Vision Ireland carries out its work in an open manner and is accountable to all stakeholders for our actions and decisions.  Pursuit of Excellence Vision Ireland is committed to attaining excellence in everything we do through our policies, procedures and staff. Accessibility, Equality, Diversity and InclusionVision Ireland is committed to creating an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and everyone is afforded equality of opportunity. It is our policy to recognise people as a key resource required for successful attainment of the organisation’s mission. In support of this, it is important to remember that differences between people, whether devised from their different backgrounds and personalities, cultures and/or their different abilities, can be a source of strength to the organisation.We welcome, encourage, and embrace people of all backgrounds, to include those with disabilities, accessibility plays a huge part of ensuring that the needs of all our employees and service users, can access our systems and services, with ease and respect, in a supportive environment, enabling all to effectively engage our services and achieve our goals whether they are an applicant for employment or an employee requiring special facilitation.

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