Community Staff Nurse (Part Time) - Louth

Community Staff Nurse - Wider Louth AreaTCP Homecare provides innovative healthcare and pharmaceutical services to meet the requirements of a new emerging healthcare environment in Ireland.We are looking for innovative, enthusiastic nursing professionals who demonstrate a high degree of self-motivation while displaying flexibility and ability to adapt to change to join our growing clinical based teams in the Leinster region, who offer a comprehensive high quality standard of nursing care in the community.Responsibilities:The Clinical Staff Nurse will provide clinical services to patients in an effective and caring manner to a high standard that meets best practice in a community based clinical setting. The successful candidate will work on part time basis: Monday to Friday (20-24 hours per week, predominately morning time), as part of a multi-disciplinary team, establishing and maintaining good working relationships aimed at delivering a high standard of care for patients.A key element of the role is the maintenance of accurate electronic patient records and the timely deliverance of reports immediately after clinical consultations. This role requires effective communication and interpersonal skills to provide a seamless service whilst at all times liaising closely with the Nurse Manager and Head of Nursing and the clients multi-disciplinary team.Mandatory Criteria:• Must be registered with NMBI (Nursing Midwifery Board of Ireland)• Cannulation & phlebotomy skills essentialDesired Skills:• High degree of self-motivation. Evidence of personal and professional development.• Effective administrator, with a high level of attention to detail.• Good time management skills.• Demonstrable computer skills in Word (preferable Microsoft Office) and email.• Excellent communication skills, ability to present to a multidisciplinary team.• Ability to quickly build good rapport with new contacts.• Displays a good deal of flexibility and is adaptable to change.• Likes to work alone yet values their position within a team.• Demonstrates good sound judgement.• Demonstrable IV therapy experience including care of central venous access devices.• Strong wound management experience• Medication managementBenefits:• Highly competitive basic salary• Company phone and tablet• Attractive mileage rates• Pension Scheme• Healthcare Insurance

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