Community Nurse - Immunology

Community Nurse Dedicated for Immunology ServiceTCP Homecare provides innovative healthcare and pharmaceutical services to meet the requirements of a new emerging healthcare environment in Ireland.This role would be suitable for well organised nurse who is looking to gain the experience in the Community Settings, full training will be provided.We are looking for a nurse professional, who demonstrates a high degree of self-motivation while displaying flexibility and ability to adapt to change to join our team in offering a comprehensive high quality standard of nursing care and administration of prescribed treatment to patients/clients across a broad spectrum of specialty areas, within the home and community setting.This is a full time, Specified Purpose Contract ~10 months, Monday-Friday.The role will be predominantly based in the Connacht and Munster region and may require nationwide travel occasionally. Key Responsibilities:Administration of required IV/SC injections and oral therapies to patients to the highest clinical and ethical standards.Timely electronic reporting at each visit.Maintenance of accurate and detailed records as agreed for each patient.To liaise closely with all other healthcare personnel associated with the service.Recognise and report immediately any untoward events on a patient visit.Assess specific changes in the patient’s condition as a result of new or on-going treatments and take immediate appropriate action.Recognise and report immediately any untoward events on a patient visit. Report all adverse events and product complaints promptly in line with Pharmacovigilance procedures.Implement all TCP Homecare operating procedures and protocols relating to the care and safety of a patient and yourself.Ensure a safe clinical environment for patients and yourself by following all procedures and guidelines. Participate in approved data collection, clinical studies and trials as requested by the client.Keep abreast of current trends and developments in professional matters and in clinical care. Ensure that clinical skills are maintained.Provide support and advice to patient family member’s clients and multi-disciplinary team. To attend all company required meetings, training and other business in a prepared and punctual manner. Maintain customer confidentiality at all times.Assist in ensuring that continuing quality systems are implemented and maintained within the TCP Group.Represents self in a professional and ethical manner at all times, complying with all applicable company policy and procedures.To work with Dedicated Nurse Manager to ensure patients are seen within an appropriate timeframe while considering external factors such as drive times, weather conditions and delays with patients. To adhere to and follow all policies and procedures regarding decontamination of equipment and principles of infection control. Key Qualifications & Competencies:RGN with NMBI registrationPhlebotomy & IV cannulation experience is essentialHigh degree of self-motivationExcellent attention to detailGood time management skillsExcellent written and oral communication skillAbility to form professional relationships with ease.Basic Microsoft office skills-Outlook/PowerPoint/excelWhat We Offer in Return:• Competitive annual salary• Company car/phone/tablet• 24 days of annual leave for full year• Pension Scheme• Health Insurance• A supportive and friendly working environment• Regular training courses and opportunities to up skill• Promotional opportunities• Refer a Friend scheme• Social events

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