Community Nurse - Co. Meath & Surrounds

TCP Homecare provides innovative healthcare and pharmaceutical services to meet the requirements of a new emerging healthcare environment in Ireland. We are looking for innovative, enthusiastic nursing professionals who demonstrate a high degree of self-motivation while displaying flexibility and ability to adapt to change to join our growing clinical based teams in the Leinster region, who offer a comprehensive high quality standard of nursing care in the community.Responsibilities:The home care nurse will provide clinical services to patients in an effective and caring manner to a high standard that meets best practice. A key element of the role is the maintenance of accurate electronic patient records and the timely deliverance of reports immediately after a visit back to the clients and head office. The home care nurse should see the role as working as part of a team where the nurse uses their clinical, communication and interpersonal skills to provide a seamless service whilst at all times liaising closely with the nursing director and the clients multi-disciplinary team.Key Competencies:• Registered with the NMBI• Cannulation & Phlebotomy Skills Essential• Demonstrable IV therapy experience including care of central venous access devices.• High degree of self-motivation. Evidence of personal and professional development.• Effective administrator, with a high level of attention to detail.• Good time management skills.• Demonstrable computer skills in Word (preferable Microsoft Office) and email.• Excellent communication skills, ability to present to a multidisciplinary team.• Ability to quickly build good rapport with new contacts.• Displays a good deal of flexibility and is adaptable to change.• Likes to work alone yet values their position within a team.• Demonstrates good sound judgement.What We Offer in Return:• Competitive annual salary• Company car/phone/tablet• 24 days of annual leave for full year• Pension Scheme• Health Insurance• Life Assurance• A supportive and friendly working environment• Regular training courses and opportunities to up skill• Promotional opportunities• Refer a Friend scheme• Social events

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