Community Care Assistant - Evening/Bed Shifts - Armagh

Join our team as a Care Assistant in Armagh. No prior experience? No problem! We provide accredited training alongside ongoing development opportunities to help you thrive in this rewarding role. As a Care Assistant, you will be responsible for providing essential support to individuals who require assistance with daily tasks, personal care, and maintaining their independence.We are looking for part-time evening workers, the shifts are roughly from 18.00pm - 22.00pm.WHO WE'RE LOOKING FORCompassion: A genuine passion for making a positive impact on the lives of others.Dedication: Commitment to providing vital support and care to those who need it most.Team Spirit: A desire to be part of a dynamic team that values collaboration and excellence.BENEFITSCompetitive Pay: Earn up to £13 per hourFlexible Scheduling: Flexible working hoursSign On Bonus: Receive a £200 bonus after 3 months.Employee Recognition: Be celebrated with awards - Employee of the Month, Employee of the Quarter and Employee of the YearRefer a Friend: Earn £200 for successful referralsFree Perks: Free comprehensive training and support, Cycle to Work Scheme, Wellbeing package, Bluelight Card, career progression opportunities and local business benefits. QUALIFICATIONS & SKILLSQualifications & Experience: Previous experience is desired but not essential and must have access to a car.Communication Skills: Good standard of English - both spoken and writtenDrivers licence: Must be a driver with access to your own carFlexibility: Must be available to work alternative weekendsABOUT USAt Connected Health, we don't just offer a job – we offer careers that are at the forefront of transforming the way homecare is delivered across Ireland. We recognise that the individuals we employ are pivotal to driving this transformation within the sector. That's why, at Connected Health, our mission is unwavering: to continually attract, recruit, and develop the finest homecare team.Connected Health is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, good relations, respect for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the delivery of its services to clients. It is also committed to ensuring that the talents and resources of all its employees are utilised to the full. Connected Health welcome applications for all job roles from members of all communities.*Candidates who are successful at interview will be subject to background checks including, but not limited to, satisfactory references and an enhanced police check.*#CAEVENING

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