Communications Executive

Horseracing in Ireland is a €2.5 billion industry that supports more than 30,000 jobs. The Irish Horseracing Regulatory Board (IHRB) is the Regulatory Body for Irish horseracing, responsible for assuring public trust in horseracing and safeguarding its reputation through robust and transparent regulatory practices, implemented with uncompromising integrity by a focused and professional team. Our new Statement of Strategy 2024-2027 includes a commitment to excellence through agility and continuous improvement and to enhanced transparency.  A new opportunity now exists for a Communications Executive with an interest in horseracing for a permanent position in the Communications Department. The position will be predominately office based at the Offices of the IHRB in County Kildare but with some duties to take place at race meetings across the 26 racecourses in Ireland.  PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES Working directly with the Head of Communications and Strategy, this role is key to the delivery of the IHRB’s strategic objectives around communications, transparency and stakeholder engagement, and will be responsible for helping to drive improvement across all the IHRB’s communications channels.  Responsibilities will include :Dealing with internal and external communicationsImplementing a communication strategyPromoting an understanding of IHRB functions and activitiesAttending disciplinary hearingsWriting and distributing press releasesManaging content on the IHRB websiteReceiving and issuing ground reports for each race meetingUpdating social media channels The PersonThe successful candidate will be a motivated and proactive individual with a strong work ethic and a passion for horseracing. To be considered for this position you will need to be a clear communicator with excellent written and verbal skills, have strong attention to detail and be able to work under pressure and as part of a dynamic team. Horseracing is a seven-day-a-week sport and the role will be a 37.5-hour working week including a mix of weekend work, public holidays, evenings, and early morning starts. The role will be predominately office-based with some duties to be carried out on racecourses, so a full Driving Licence and use of own vehicle is essential. Education, Knowledge & Experience Excellent written skills, with the ability to produce well-documented reports for consideration at all levels.Ability to work efficiently, providing timely information and driving forward multiple projects.Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to liaise with key internal and industry stakeholders.Well-organised, able to multi-task, work under pressure to meet key deliverables, and thrive on new and diverse challenges.Previous experience working in Media or CommunicationsExcellent communication, organisational, verbal, and written skillsStrong computer knowledge (Word, Outlook) and general IT skills are essential.A self-starter capable of working on their own initiative and as part of a team.Must be meticulous - paying great attention to accuracy and detail.Familiarity with the Horseracing industry The salary for this position will be commensurate with the experience of the successful candidate, with travel and subsistence expenses paid in accordance with organisational policies. The IHRB also supports relevant professional and personal development. If you are interested in the position, please submit a comprehensive CV and a covering letter clearly setting out why you should be considered and what you would bring to the role. Informal enquiries to Closing date for applications is Monday, 14 October 2024.  IHRB is an equal opportunities employer. Appointment to this role is subject to the candidate’s eligibility to work in Ireland.

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