Electrical Engineer-Transmission & Distribution

Electrical Engineer- Transmission & DistributionWithin our Transmission & Distribution team, we design AIS/GIS substations from 20kV to 220kV and contestable build and non-contestable stations in the range of 40 to 550MVA CCGT. Connections include conventional and renewable Power Generation, Peaking, Battery Storage, DS3 and Solar PV plants and large demand loads such as data centres and process plants. We use leading-edge design and modelling tools from global technology companies to deliver innovative designs for our customers.NeoDyne is also a gas network design framework supplier, playing a significant role in providing electrical and instrumentation engineering services for the on-shore Natural Gas Industry and Regulated gas utility sector in Ireland and the UK. Our expertise includes Compressor Station, AGI Electrical & Instrumentation design, Fiscal and non-Fiscal metering, and Cathodic Protection.We are currently seeking an experienced (3+ years) Electrical Engineer to join our expanding Transmission & Distribution team. This position offers flexibility in location and can be based near any of our office locations: Galway, Cork, Dublin, or Waterford. The role will involve a combination of office based Electrical Design work and site based Commissioning of in-house designed Eirgrid, ESB and Customer HV/MV substations. If you’re interested in taking the next step in your career, we want to hear from you!             Responsibilities/ Duties·       Substation Design: Primary Plant Electrical Layouts, Control & Protection Design, LV Distribution and General Services Design·       Reviewing ESB/Eirgrid or Employer Requirements for a project and ensuring design compliance.·       Producing specifications for various electrical equipment and assemblies (transformers, circuit breakers, instrument transformers etc.)·       Reporting to the Lead or Senior Engineering Manager on projects·       Carrying out Pre-Commissioning programmes and snaglists of Eirgrid & ESB Substations and Commissioning of Customer HV/MV substations.·       Commissiong Tasks including: Testing of HV/MV primary plant, Protection Relay Programming & Secondary Injection Testing, Control & Protection Scheme Testing (DC System energisation and testing), Interface Testing with 3rd parties (ESB, Eirgrid, Wind & Solar Vendors) Qualifications/ Skills/ Experience·       Level 8 Degree in Electrical Engineering, or equivalent·       3+ years’ experience in a similar substation design or commissioning role·       Practical experience of safely carrying out live system testing on site.·       Experience with Omicron test equipment preferable but not essential.·       Experience in developing Electrical Schematics using EPLAN.·       Experience in developing equipment layouts using AutoCAD, Primtech or similar·       Familiarity with ESB/Eirgrid Design and/or Commissioning Requirements Characteristics·       Works well as part of a team.·       Excellent problem solving and diagnostic skills.·       Capable of self-learning and completion of individual tasks.·       Adaptable and able to prioritise and coordinate work.·       Excellent customer service, interpersonal, communication and organisational skills.·       Ability to multitask, work under pressure and meet deadlines. Benefits·       Competitive starting salary with year-on-year bonuses and salary increases·       Paid Overtime·       Income Protection·       Life Assurance·       PRSA pension with employer contribution·       Remote Working/ Flexi-time/ Compressed Working Week options·       Personalised Career Development Plan·       Regular performance and remuneration reviews·       Cycle to work schemeDon’t miss this opportunity to join a company at the forefront of electrical engineering projects in Ireland, the UK and Europe. Apply today!NeoDyne Ltd. is an equal opportunity employer, and all applications will be treated in strictest confidence.

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