Commis Chef

The Stables Cafe at Mount Congreve Gardens is seeking a passionate and dedicated Commis Chef to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will assist our head chef in preparing high-quality dishes using fresh ingredients and innovative techniques. This role offers an excellent opportunity for growth and development in a vibrant and fast-paced kitchen environment.Key Responsibilities:Assist the head chef in food preparation and cooking tasks.Ensure the freshness and quality of ingredients by properly storing and handling them.Follow recipes and presentation specifications to meet our standards.Maintain cleanliness and hygiene standards in the kitchen area, including equipment and utensils.Collaborate with kitchen team members to ensure timely and efficient service.Assist in inventory management and stock control to minimize waste.Contribute creative ideas for menu development and seasonal specials.Adhere to all food safety and sanitation regulations.Requirements:Previous experience working in a kitchen environment preferred.Culinary training or certification is advantageous but not essential.Knowledge of food safety regulations and practices.Ability to work well under pressure in a fast-paced environment.Strong communication and teamwork skills.Flexibility to work evenings, weekends, and holidays as needed.Passion for food and a desire to learn and grow in the culinary field.

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