Commercial Invoicing Administrator

Role Summary:Barna Recycling, one of Connacht’s leading waste management providers are recruiting for a Commercial Invoicing Administrator to join our team. Invoicing Administrator Responsibilities:Ensuring customers have correct invoice documentation.Dealing with customers in a professional and helpful mannerMonitor/process/verify commercial data to ensure billing is accurate.Follow up with drivers to clarify billing queries.Generate customer reports and sales reports and analysis as required.Prepare weekly/monthly transaction reconciliation reports.Assist in month end close off.Identify and implement system/process improvements.Liaise between various departments to ensure accurate billing.Work between departments on various business projectsAd hoc administrative duties as they may arise. Skills and Experience required:Ideally the successful candidate will have previous admin and accounts experience.Attention to detail, and highly motivated.Professional with strong interpersonal skillsThe ability to prioritise tasks and work to tight deadlines.Flexibility and adaptability to changing workloads.The ability to communicate effectively and efficiently.Excellent organisation and administrative skillsGood knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite,particularly Excel.Terms: Hours: 37 hours per week 9-5:30 Monday to Thursday and 9-5 Friday Permanent contract  €28,000 per annum

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