Commercial Financial Analyst

Do you like IT, are you interested in working for a company that wants to help save the planet by extending the life of IT hardware, are you curious an interested in working in a dynamic team environment ??? Wisetek is a global outsourcing provider of Technology Product Lifecycle Services to the world’s leading Enterprise IT Corporations, with Product Operation Centers located in Europe, USA & Asia. Wisetek transforms the regulatory requirement for managing products at end of use / end of life into a significant profit generating activity through advanced fully managed outsourced services. Wisetek assembles, configures and test new complex IT systems for specific customer sales delivery programs in each global sales region USA, EMEA and Asia.Wisetek’s growth will position it to be one of the largest suppliers of refurbished IT equipment worldwide. The Wisetek culture is derived from the people that create it. Our company was built on a foundation of innovation and excellence and as we grow, we continue to seek these qualities in each person that joins our team.  Wisetek are currently recruiting for an enthusiastic and ambitious Commercial Financial Analyst to join our Finance team.  General Responsibilities Duties include but not limited to the following;-         Analysing data, interpreting outcomes and presenting to the business to drive decisions -         Automation and enhancement of current reporting-         Calculating financial remuneration due to our customers-         Completing the above in automated and efficient manner-         Developing and completing detailed customer data reporting-         Financial modelling relating to potential new customer contracts and maximising financial gain for the business-         Use of system information to feed to reporting database-         Working closely with Customer Service teams on any specific customer queries -         Process Design, creates efficient clear processes to ensure all stakeholders are aware of ownership within Customer payout process.-         Other duties as assigned. Skills and Qualifications -         Relevant Business Degree with 3 – 4 year post qualification of strong practical experience in finance analytics-         Strong business acumen-         Hardworking and reliable, with excellent attention to detail-         Excellent organisational skills and problem-solving attitude towards tasks-         Strong data and finance analytics ability-         Experience in developing and presenting financial data to drive outcomes-         Very strong IT ability - comfortable using Excel and any other data analysis tools-         High attention to detail and interpretation of data-         Ability to work as part of a team and on own initiative-         Experience with Navison would be an advantage

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