Commercial Finance Manager

About Primeline: Primeline is the largest independent Irish provider of logistics, sales and marketing services for domestic and international brands in Ireland and the UK. We are a privately-owned business, in operation for 30 years, with over 900 employees across multiple sites in Ireland and the UK.  Turnover is in excess of €300 million and we are growing rapidly. We pride ourselves in client relationships with brand owners and decision makers supplying product into the Multiple Grocery, Convenience, Foodservice sectors, and Pharmacy trade.  Our people power our success. We are currently seeking an experienced Commercial Finance Manager – Sales & Marketing to lead the sales & marketing finance team based in Ashbourne, Co. Meath. Essential Duties and Responsibilities:Reporting to the Group CFO and partnering with the Sales and Marketing Managing Director, and responsible for the accounts, P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash flow for the Johnson Brothers sales and marketing division of Primeline.Lead, motivate and develop an excellent and committed finance team of 6.FP&A – preparation and completion of monthly management accounts monthly reporting pack with analysis of sales and marketing performance across the Group, variances, risks and actionable opportunities.Runs and leads the monthly performance review with the business leaders.Is accountable for working capital management and reporting cash performance on a monthly basis.Provides financial analysis, analytic insight and performance reports on pricing, promotions, Net Revenue Management (NRM), sales operations, products, customers, cash and principles.Partner with senior management to build and align budget and forecasts.Drives rigorous analysis of investment options and delivers a clear ROI and investment recommendations.Actively communicates and collaborates with key stakeholders to track KPI targets and uses data to identify dive performance improvements.Championing lean thinking to driving out cost from the sales and marketing business.Has strong strategic and commercial awareness and will play a leading role in acquisition targeting and due diligence of sales and Marketing businesses.Owns the VAT position and return. Manages the division cash flow and cash forecast.Owns the monthly intercompany reconciliation process.  Core Competencies:Strong communication skills, highly organized and capable of working in a diverse environment, with a high degree of autonomy.Great leader of people – setting the team up to thrive and do the best work of their careers.Detail and data oriented, takes great pride in delivering high quality of work within predetermined deadlines.Takes a proactive approach to anticipating and preventing problems. When problems occur, defines the problem objectively, investigates alternative solutions and recommends and describes a clear plan to deliver the solution. Adaptive to a changing environment, strong commercial understanding and partnering skill.Highly ethical and driven to improve the business capability and committed to the sustainable success of the sales and marketing business.Ideal Experience:Demonstrated experience in great business partnering, clear about the how finance partners with the business and what is owned by finance.Operational experience within a Sales & Marketing environmentCommercial acumen with experience of financial analysis of a multi brand business, multi category and multi-channel across a national sales and marketing capability. Experience in Net Revenue Management, Pricing and sales operations KPI generation and analytics.Advanced analysis and analytics skills are essential.Experience of core processes OTC, PTP and RTR.Experience in sales technology and technology investment appraisal and management.Experience in leading, motivating and managing a team to deliver great performance.Qualifications:Degree qualified with either an ACCA, ACA, with 10+ years PQE, with a track record of experience in a key Commercial Finance or Senior Finance business partnering position.

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