Commercial Manager

RBK is delighted to be partnering with our client, Killeshal Precast Limited, on the recruitment of a Commercial Manager to support the expanding operations. About:Killeshal Precast Concrete has developed a market leading position within the construction market. Our 55 years of manufacturing and service experience has generated many innovations, technically proven products and solution solving systems for our client base.Position Overview:The position requires someone with senior management experience who can demonstrate ability to lead, drive, adapt. Achieve sales and market share growth, increased profitability and motivate a successful well-established team.A detailed understanding of the construction supplies industry, the challenges emerging and the importance of understanding client’s needs.Key Responsibilities:1)    Industry Expertise:·       Ability to manage and adapt change affecting products, customers, colleagues and shareholders.·       Develop an understanding of broader industry developments in other markets that may be adapted to our market.2)    Sales and Business Development:·       Develop 3-year profitable strategic plans in conjunction with Managing Director.·       Develop strategies for profitable new customer development.·       Develop strategies for profitable new product development. 3)    Product Portfolio Management:·       Experience of Product Portfolio Development and Management demonstrating significant change positively affecting sales and margin growth.·       Direct resources towards profitable product and market development in conjunction with product development teams.·       Focus company resources on development of products and customers in line with 3-year strategic plan.4)    Customer Relationship Management:·       Strengthen relationships with clients through existing teams and maintain the company “Can Do” ethos.5)    Market Positioning:·       Understand market dynamics and create strategies to strengthen our competitive edge.6)    Supply Chain Optimization:·       Working with Procurement and Manufacturing, achieve working capital targets through sales forecasting, inventory control and raw material intake.7)    Contract Negotiation:·       Lead contract negotiations with clients, suppliers, and distributors to secure favorable terms.·       Ensure that contractual agreements align with industry standards and legal requirements.8)    Regulatory Compliance:·       Awareness and understanding of Building Codes and Environmental changes likely to affect the business.·       Appreciation of safety regulations and impact on employees.Qualifications and Experience·       Proven track record of developing and implementing successful sales and business development strategies.·       Strong understanding of building supplies, construction processes, and industry dynamics.·       Excellent negotiation, communication, and relationship-building skills.·       Bachelor’s degree in business, Marketing, or a related field is desirable.·       Extensive experience in a senior commercial role within the building supplies sector is desirable.Key Competencies:·       Industry knowledge and expertise is desirable·       Strategic thinking and planning·       Sales and business development acumen·       Supply chain management·       Contract negotiation·       Regulatory compliance·       Leadership and team management·       Analytical and problem-solving skills Benefits:·       Competitive Salary·       Potential shareholding in the future for the right candidate·       Hybrid Work Set Up**Application Process:**Interested candidates should submit their resume and a cover letter detailing their relevant experience and achievements to sarahkinsella@rbk.ieKilleshal Precast Concrete is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply.*Note: The above job description is a general outline of the responsibilities and qualifications typically associated with this role. It is not exhaustive and may be subject to change as the organization's needs evolve.*

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