Commercial Administrator

Commercial AdministratorDarlington or NewcastlePermanent, Full timeCompetitive salary plus benefitsDue to a huge water wave of work, our contracts are coming in like wonderful waterfalls of opportunities, hence us needing to flush out the top talent around!This is an exciting time for Jet Aire, we have a Commercial Administrator role available based from our Newcastle or Darlington depot.You will be hugely savvy on Excel, able to handle whatever data is given to you and able to stand on your two feet!The commercial team play a pivotal part in the success of our largest commercial frameworks. They ensure valuations of works are accurate, fair and in line with the agreed terms and rates.The Commercial Administrator will also assist in reporting on commercial and operational performance for the Northeast Office by analysing data, identifying trends, and presenting feedback to the Senior Management Team. You should strive to improve current process and introduce efficiencies with a view to help the Company to remain competitive in the business market. Deep diving more into the role:Integrating daily job completion reports, creation of daily valuation sheets, uploading of job sheets to client, pricing valuations and entering onto client’s system for submission.Manage the correspondence within the Commercial Department dealing with enquiries as appropriate.Perform analysis of daily job completion data and generate weekly reports showing commercial performance for the Northeast Office, presenting this information at team meetings.Investigate pricing queries raised by the client and ensure prompt response, monitoring trends to identify areas of improvements to Commercial Team systems and processes.To provide commercial support for managers and communicate with Team Members and Engineers as necessary.  About you:Experience working in a finance, accounts type role highly advantageous.Adept at working with data.Proactive and commercial approach.Understand how to present meaningful data.Strong Excel skills essential.About us: At Jet Aire, drainage, sewer cleaning, and rehabilitation, is at the forefront of providing innovative solutions to complex challenges in the water and wastewater industry. As a member of the Jet Aire team, you'll have the chance to be part of groundbreaking projects that have a direct impact on environmental sustainability and public health. From working on large-scale infrastructure projects to tackling intricate drainage systems, every day will present you with new and exciting challenges that will sharpen your skills and expand your knowledge. Why Choose Adler and Allan: By becoming a part of the Adler and Allan Group, you’ll embark on a rewarding journey where we truly value your ideas and contributions. Whether you're just starting your career or in search of a new challenge, we offer a platform for personal growth and professional advancement, enabling you to shape a successful and fulfilling career path. Our group includes Jet Aire, Detectronic, Aqua Consultants, Oneline, AMGS, and OHES.

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